Alliance Manchester Business School is looking to recruit a Presidential Fellow who is creative, ambitious and keen to develop transformative research. As an impressive early career academic, you’ll recognise that securing a Presidential
Research Fellowship at the University of Manchester will empower you to unlock your potential.
Presidential Research Fellowship: International Business and Comparative Business Systems The University of Manchester
DEADLINE: 15th April 2019
Please note we are unable to respond to enquiries, accept CVs or applications from Recruitment Agencies. Applicants should read the guidance notes provided on the University website which include the requirement to submit a Research Proposal.
For information on other Presidential Fellowship opportunities at the University of Manchester, please visit:
Enquiries about the vacancy, shortlisting and interviews:
Name: Professor Mario Kafouros
Email: [log in to unmask]
General enquiries:
Email: [log in to unmask]
Best regards,
Dr Matthew Allen | Senior
Lecturer in Organization Studies | DBA Director | Co-director MSc Business Analysis and Strategic Management
Alliance Manchester Business School | University of Manchester | Booth Street West | Manchester M15 9PB