


Cambridge/Kent/Czinkota Competition

for excellence in International Business Case writing


Case submitted by faculty and students, can cover the entire spectrum of the International Business sphere, covering, for example, but not limited to, Trade and Investment Policies, the International Business Environment or Strategy and Operations. The deadline for submission of the previously unpublished final case, including instructor’s solution materials, is April 15, 2019.

Length of submission: Less than 3,000 words (the solution material does not count against this limit) 
Please submit to Prof. Michael Czinkota [log in to unmask]
Cases will be evaluated and selected by an international Jury whose decisions are final.

Winners receive a Certificate and will be entered in the Kent Business School Book of Honor
Prizes are:
First Prize: £ 500
Second Prize: £ 250
Third Prize: £ 125
Prizes 4-12: £ 50

Winning cases are also eligible for publication in the forthcoming Cambridge Press book by Prof. Michael Czinkota, Prof. Ilkka Ronkainen and Prof. Suraksha Gupta.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please contact  [log in to unmask]



Prof. Michael R. Czinkota

McDonough School of Business

Georgetown University

402 Hariri Building

Washington DC 20057


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Tel.  202 687 4204

Cell  202 253 3566

FAX 202 687 4031



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