Call for Nominations:
Practice Theme Committee & International Theme Committee
Academy of Management
Call available at:
The Practice Theme Committee (PTC) and the International Theme Committee (ITC) of the Academy of Management invite nominations, including self-nominations, for the International Impactful Collaboration Award. This competitive award seeks to recognize and to celebrate international collaborations between academics and external stakeholders that have achieved demonstrable, external impact. The award advances the aims of both all-Academy committees: The PTC aims to identify exemplar initiatives that bridge theory and practice, and to create platforms for ongoing engagement with practitioners for relevant, applicable knowledge; the ITC aims to improve AOM members’ understandings of internationalization of business, trade and other organizational transactions, and to encourage exposure for organizational scholarship conducted outside the United States of America.
I. Brief Description:
The award will be given to an impactful research collaboration (e.g., journal articles, books, consulting reports, conferences, major research grants, regulatory change) done over the previous 5 years (from 2014) involving diverse audiences not just Management academics (e.g., also involving consultants, managers, policymakers, NGOs, labor, or society at large) as full partners. The necessary conditions include that the collaboration
1.) must be international – i.e., involving more than 1 country,
2.) must be demonstrably impactful covering more than A+ journal articles and scholarly citations,
3.) include as full participants more than Management academics.
4.) provide some evidence of external impact such as knowledge creation, outreach, beneficiaries, international networks/ visibility, and media coverage.
A complete list of the potential audiences/collaborators for research, and avenues for scholarly impact are identified in the 2017 AOM report Measuring and Achieving Scholarly Impact (Tables 3 and 4).
II. 2019 Nomination Process:
III. 2019 Submission Details:
1.) Brief description of the project/program of research to which this nomination refers
(no more than 350 words)
2.) List of collaborators, their roles, and organizational affiliations (e.g., universities, companies, governments);
3.) Reasons for nomination focusing on:
a.) audiences involved in the research collaboration,
b.) countries included in the collaboration and in what capacity (e.g., as home base, research venue, application of research, etc.),
c.) evidence of impactful contribution resulting from the knowledge generated through this project/program (e.g., top-tier publications, practice-oriented publications, books, consulting reports, regulation, media coverage, innovations etc),
d.) evidence of demonstrable outcomes of the projects/programs of research on diverse audiences for research;
4.) any additional information that will assist in evaluating the nomination. Examples may include:
a.) A 1-page letter of support from the Dean,
b.) A 1-page letter of support from beneficiaries of the research such as organizations, communities, governments, etc.,
c.) Any other empirical evidence demonstrating the impact of the collaboration such as media coverage, conferences, government regulation, etc.
Please email this completed application to both the PTC & ITC Award Chairs, Usha Haley and Radha Sharma at [log in to unmask] and [log in to unmask]. Please clearly indicate on the subject line “International Impactful Collaboration Nomination”.
IV. 2019 Selection Committee:
Usha C. V. Haley, PhD
W. Frank Barton Distinguished Chair in International Business & Professor of Management
Wichita State University, W. Frank Barton School of Business, 1845 Fairmount Street, Wichita, KS 67260-0048
2016-2019 co-Chair, All Academy Practice Theme Committee, Academy of Management
Guest Editor: Academy of Management Learning & Education, Strategies for Scholarly Impact
E-mail: [log in to unmask] & [log in to unmask]
Voice: 316-978-5500 Skype: usha.haley
Current Research Grant: National Science Foundation #1661733 & #1911289 – Technology Development, Strategic Risk & National Policy
Latest Book: Subsidies to Chinese Industry - Reviews in Economist, S+B , ITIF Reading List, BusinessWeek, Financial Times, Wall Street Journal, & methodology covered in Economist. Write-up by JP Morgan (Appendix 1)