

The Allen Neighborhood Center is a Lansing Eastside food hub.  Various programs of ANC include the Allen Farmers Market, urban gardening at the Hunter Park GardenHouse, community building outreach and engagement, multi-farm CSA Veggie Box, and Allen Market place rentals, events, and incubator kitchen options.

We are hosting our annual Global Youth Service Day on Saturday, April 27th from 10am-12pm.  We will focus on our Edible Park, which is open to the public, and work on creating inverted rows, mulching pathways, installing signs, picking up trash, and seeding radishes, carrots, beets, and onions.

This is a great opportunity for you or your organization to get complete service hours while supporting urban agriculture and the local food system.

To sign up, please fill out the Google Form:

If you have any questions, please contact Gardening Educator Kat Kepski at [log in to unmask]