From: "Paukert, Craig P. - via educationsectionafs" <[log in to unmask]> Reply-To: "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]> Date: Friday, February 8, 2019 at 1:05 PM To: Jim Schneider <[log in to unmask]> Subject: [EdSection] Post Doctoral Position at Mizzou Post-Doctoral Fellowships at the University of Missouri The University of Missouri is recruiting two-year Post-Doctoral Research Associates through their Preparing Future Faculty Program for Faculty Diversity<>, which is designed to promote and develop scholars in any discipline for tenure-track faculty positions at the University of Missouri or elsewhere. Postdoctoral fellowships focus on scholarship and participate in professional development that integrate them in the faculty experience, including the opportunity to teach in their discipline the second year. The stipend will be $56,000 per year with University benefits and professional development funds to attend a scholarly meeting, and/or for professional development activities. Candidates with an interest in fisheries are encouraged to apply, as this is one of the priority needs identified by The School of Natural Resources<>. Interested candidates should contact Craig Paukert to discuss possible research ideas, data sets, and other resources that would be available to the candidate. Applicants whose doctoral degree is conferred by August 1, 2019 are eligible to apply. Current postdoctoral scholars also may apply if their doctoral degree was awarded in or after spring 2014. Applicants should demonstrate how they can contribute to faculty diversity, such as through membership in a group that is historically underrepresented and/or underserved in a particular discipline or through other training or experience. Questions may be directed to [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>. The deadline for all application material is 11:59 PM CST, March 1, 2019. Candidates who demonstrate the potential to be competitive for tenure-track appointments at the University of Missouri will be invited to interview. Further information about specific research ideas in fisheries can contact Craig Paukert. Additional questions about the program and the School of Natural Resources can contact Craig or Charlie Nilon. Dr. Craig Paukert Leader and Cooperative Professor, Missouri Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit The School of Natural Resources, The University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211 573-882-3524 [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]><> Dr. Charlie Nilon Professor, The School of Natural Resources The University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211 573-882-3738 [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]><> ********************************************* Craig Paukert Leader and Cooperative Professor Missouri Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit The School of Natural Resources 302 ABNR Building, The University of Missouri Columbia, MO 65211 573-882-3524 (office) 573-355-6900 (cell) [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]><> ********************************************* ________________________________ Would you also like to create an eMailDodo Group? Check out<> This eMail was sent by Paukert, Craig P. at [log in to unmask] For questions and changes contact the Group Administrator: at [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]>If you want to unsubscribe from this [log in to unmask] Group click here<> To file a complaint please send an eMail to: [log in to unmask]