Join us for the fifth annual Great
Lakes Hop and Barley Conference, February 28 - March 2 at the Park Place Hotel in Traverse City, Michigan!
The conference will feature an introductory preconference for beginners on February 28th, individual hop and barley tracks covering advanced topics on March 1st, and an exciting plenary
session as well as two post conference tour options on March 2nd. We are also excited to again partner with the Michigan Brewers Guild for a special networking reception for attendees.
The hop track will feature John Taberna (Western Labs) discussing soil and plant nutrient testing and management, Doug Walsh (Washington State University) taking a deep dive into mite
biology and management, presentations by the Hop Quality Group and Hop Growers of Michigan, as well as many Michigan State University specialists covering topics ranging from disease management to nutrient leaching.
The barley track will include a presentation on malting grains for function and flavor by Aaron MacLeod (Center for Craft Food and Beverage, NY), information on barley contracts by Ryan
Hamilton (Michigan Barley Association), the 2018 barley quality report from Christian Kapp (MSU), and numerous research reports by MSU specialists.
The combined plenary session will feature a value chain, sales and marketing panel with industry experts, a sensory panel training with Roy Desrochers (Tufts University), and an exciting
cover crops presentation by world renowned expert Dr. George Bird (MSU).
During the registration process, participants will be asked to select their preferred track for Friday in order to determine space needs at the facility.
February 28: Optional Pre-Conference Session - Introduction to Hop and Barley Production
March 1: Great Lakes Hop and Barley Conference - Keynote presentation, Hop Track, Barley & Malt Track, Michigan Brewers Guild Reception
March 2: Great Lakes Hop and Barley Conference - Plenary session including sensory training and cover crop presentation (Morning)
March 2: Option Tour - MI Local Hops or Great Lakes Malting Company (Afternoon)
Register today by clicking below.
J Robert Sirrine, Ph.D.
Senior Educator
Michigan State University Extension
Suite 107, 8527 E. Government Center Dr.
Suttons Bay, MI 49682
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El Servicio de Extensión (Extension Service) de MSU ofrece programas educativos, actividades, y materiales sin discriminación basada sobre edad,
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