

Call for Chapter Proposals


Women’s Entrepreneurship & Culture


Expressions of Interest due by July 1, 2019

Emailed to [log in to unmask] (instructions below)


Edited by: 

Ulrike Guelich, Bangkok University, Thailand

Amanda Bullough, University of Delaware, USA

Tatiana Manolova, Bentley University, USA

Leon Schjoedt, Mahasarakham University, Thailand


Chapter contributions are now invited from scholars studying women’s entrepreneurship for an exciting new book, Women’s Entrepreneurship & Culture, to be published by Edward Elgar Publishing Inc. in 2020.


The Diana International Project[1] is committed to advancing knowledge about the status of women’s entrepreneurship around the world. This is the tenth book associated with the Diana International Project and will build on the success of the first book - Brush, C., Carter, N.M., Gatewood, E.J., Greene, P.G. and Hart, M. (eds.) (2006) Growth-oriented Women Entrepreneurs and their Businesses: A Global Research Perspective.


The objective of this book is to foster a provocative discussion about topics that generally fit within the general theme of women’s entrepreneurship and culture. We invite participants to investigate entrepreneurial activity among women in a variety of societal and cultural contexts, with a particular focus on exchanges between and among societies and cultures, cross-cultural comparisons, as well as the influence of culture on women’s entrepreneurship and the influence of women’s entrepreneurship on culture.


Chapter should be based on empirical or theoretical research. Possible topics could be related to the following:


·         The influence of culture on women’s businesses and business decisions, including innovation and job creation

·         The influence of women’s businesses shape on societies’ beliefs, norms, expectations, and development

·         How policies and programs might influence the connection between women’s entrepreneurship and culture

·         How cultural practices, categories, discourses, and labels impact support for women’s entrepreneurship

·         Women’s business development and growth and the influence of teamwork and the kinds of teams that women entrepreneurs build

·         Differences across minority groups and cultures that affect women entrepreneurs (e.g. Black, Asian, Latina, etc.) how these differences matter


We are aiming for an inclusive discussion on women’s entrepreneurship. Thus, proposals are particularly sought from researchers in geographic regions less represented in previous volumes, specifically Africa, Asia and South America. In addition, while it is likely that submissions will come from presenters who attended the previous Diana International Conference in Bangkok, Thailand (July 2018), manuscripts that were not presented at this Conference are certainly welcomed as well.


Submission Instructions


If you are interested in submitting a chapter, please express your interest by putting together a chapter abstract, following the guidelines below, and emailing it to [log in to unmask] by July 1, 2019. For an informal discussion on your submission, please contact any of the editors.


  1. A cover letter with all author affiliations and the paper title
  2. 3 page (double-spaced) abstract
    1. Include title- but NO AUTHOR information
    2. Research question/purpose of the chapter
    3. Theoretical foundation
    4. Data source(s) and methodology
    5. Implications/contributions
  3. Please submit your proposals to: [log in to unmask]


Tentative Timetable for the book


July 1, 2019

Expressions of interest/abstracts from participating authors

August 1, 2019

Formal invitation/submission guidelines sent to selected authors

December 1, 2019

Submission of draft chapters & initial review process

December 15, 2019

Editors assign chapters to reviewers (double-blind)

February 15, 2020

Reviews with feedback due to editors

March 1, 2020

Authors rejected or invited to revise

May 1, 2020        

Submission of revised chapters from authors (including necessary permissions for diagrams, signed contributor agreement, etc)

May-July 2020

Ongoing editing of chapters by editorial team and editors draft introduction and conclusion chapters

July 15, 2020

Completion of Preliminary Book Information, Introduction & Conclusions

August 15, 2020

Submission of final manuscript to Edward Elgar




Dr. Amanda Bullough

Associate Professor, Management & Global Leadership

Co-Director, Women’s Leadership Initiative

University of Delaware

Alfred Lerner College of Business & Economics

Department of Business Administration

311 Lerner Hall  

20 Orchard Road

Newark, DE 19716

[log in to unmask] 302-831-1778

Webpage | LinkedIn | Google Scholar

Recent Activities: Women’s Leadership Initiative Lerner | Executive Women’s Leadership

Women in Business student club | Advancing Women Faculty

Select Research: Journal of Management | Academy of Management Perspectives |

Academy of Management Perspectives | Academy of Management Discoveries

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[1] The Diana Project was launched in 1999 by Professors Brush, Carter, Gatewood, Greene and Hart to study the phenomenon of women’s entrepreneurship in the United States.  The Diana Project team, in partnership with ESBRI (Entrepreneurship and Small Business Research Institute, Sweden), inaugurated the Diana International Project (DIP) in 2003. DIP currently involves researchers from 16 countries worldwide and aims to provide a platform from which to develop, conduct and share a global research agenda dedicated to answering questions about women entrepreneurs and growth oriented businesses.

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