Apologies for cross posting
Main Theme:
Small Firm Internationalisation and International Entrepreneurship
Also Side Track on:
Political Risk Management and Multinational Corporations
23 - 24 May 2019
Würzburg, Germany
The Würzburg International Business Forum’s 2nd International Business Conference will be held in Würzburg, Germany on 23-24 May 2019. We encourage paper writers, panel presenters, book authors, professionals, representative of companies and graduate students who have an interest in the conference theme and/or the side track topic to submit their work, and join us in Würzburg in May.
The International Business Conference is designed to bring together current research output from the fields of international business, multinational corporations, foreign direct investment, small and medium sized multinationals, and international political risk management.
The conference offers an excellent opportunity to meet researchers and professionals from around the world to exchange information and ideas on a variety of international business topics.
Full papers, extended abstracts and case study presentations are invited. All accepted full papers and extended abstracts (minimum 3 pages) will be published in the conference proceedings volume and presented during the conference.
Publication Opportunities: All accepted full papers and extended abstracts will be published in the conference proceedings volume. (Last year’s conference proceedings volume can be reached at the conference website.) There are also additional publication opportunities.
Languages of Presentation. All the double-blind reviewed paper for the scholarly program should be submitted in English.
The details can be found on the conference website: https://wibf.fhws.de/
Local Attractions: There will be some social programmes for those participants who are willing to join. Würzburg is an excellent city with very attractive surroundings (Please see: Würzburg: http://www.wuerzburg.de/en/visitors/tourist-information1/index.html). It is also centre of one of the best well-known wine locations in Germany (Franconian Wine Country: http://www.franconian-wine-country.com/?forceLanguage).
Submissions: We accept submissions only to the email address: [log in to unmask]
Papers should follow the author style and referencing guide provided on the conference website (https://wibf.fhws.de/fileadmin/wibf/Forms/WIBF%40FHWS-TYPING-STYLE-GUIDELINES_TEMPLATE.docx). Papers not following the guidelines will be rejected.
To ensure that your submissions are received and reviewed, please submit as EARLY as possible. By submitting a paper, all authors also agree that at least one author would attend the conference.
Prof. Dr. Emin Akcaoglu
Beykent University
Istanbul, Turkey