Another great reason to attend the 31st Annual
FDIB Seminar Series at the University of South Carolina

Win a full CIBER scholarship (program fee & airfare)
to attend the 2020 FDIB-Africa Overseas Program
to Rwanda, Uganda and/or Tanzania

•	Two (2) scholarships awarded to selected qualified seminar graduates
•	Final selection based upon supervisor recommendation and approval
•	Availability and ability to travel during May/June 2020 required










Choose between three concurrent seminars, taught by leaders in International Business education:


  • Survey of International Business
    Dr. Andrew Spicer
  • International Management and Global Strategy
    Dr. Tatiana Kostova
  • International Business Across Regions of the World
    Dr. Chuck Kwok, Dr. Lite Nartey, Dr. Wolfgang Messner, Dr. Gerald A. McDermott and Dr. Andrew Spicer

One-hour bonus sessions on emerging and transition markets:

  • China, Africa and Central & Eastern Europe

Acquire the knowledge, skills and resources necessary to create and implement a world-class international business curriculum:

·         Complete course outlines, syllabi and lecture notes

·         Textbooks and supporting course materials

·         Case studies, simulations and exercises

·         A support network of other international business faculty

  • information and research on emerging markets


Registration Fee: $1,995 USD
15% discount for organizations sending three or more people

APPLY SOON — Limited Number of Scholarships Available

  • $500 CIBER scholarships for faculty and doctoral candidate participants
  • $1,000 CIBER scholarships for Minority Serving Institution (MSI) participants
  • Scholarships will be directly applied on the REGISTRATION PAGE

1014 Greene Street | Columbia, SC 29208 | 800.393.2362 | 803.777.2231 |

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