


*Attached is my 2019 Summer School Announcement*

This summer I will organize an International Business Seminar at the
University of Kent in Canterbury, the Headquarters of the Anglican Church
and a hotbed of business research and teaching. This two-week meeting will
be exciting, dynamic and encompassing. New ideas will abound. Please look
below for details, particularly on the global faculty members who are
highly respected researchers and teachers and have leading scores on Google
Scholar <>

The opportunity is there - take advantage by signing up

[image: Canterbury-Cathedral-460x306.jpg]

For more information:
*The teaching team members
*Click here to find more information about this Summer School Program.*
*Click here to see the student evaluations of the 2018 Summer School
business program.*

Best Regards,
Prof. Michael R. Czinkota
McDonough School of Business
Georgetown University
402 Hariri Building
Washington DC 20057

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Tel.  202 687 4204
Cell  202 253 3566
FAX 202 687 4031

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