These frigid days are good ones to sit by the fire or heater and get caught up on your paper work, hopefully using it for multiple purposes; organic certification, production and management records and to sign up for USDA Farm Bill supported environmental programs from the EQIP program (Environmental quality Incentives Programs) There are several EQUP programs available and some specifically for organic transition farms and organic certified farms. Here is the lowdown for a program that is open and available to you if interested. EQIP Initiatives in Michigan Click on links for more information. Honey Bee Initiative<> On-Farm Energy Initiative<> National Water Quality Initiative<> Organic Initiative<> Wayne County and Flint - Genesee County High Tunnel Initiative<> Western Lake Erie Basin<> Soil Erosion Control<> MAEAP<> Monarch Butterfly<> Edge of Field Monitoring<> Joint Chiefs - Partnering for Watershed Restoration of Lake Superior<> Here is the full scoop on the organic Initiative. Go to for my info on these programs and how to sign up Organic Initiative Through the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) National Organic Initiative, NRCS provides financial and technical assistance to help eligible producers plan and implement conservation practices to support the environmental sustainability of their organic operation or agricultural operation transitioning to organic production. The 2018 Organic Initiative provides financial assistance to implement a broad set of conservation practices to assist organic producers in addressing resource concerns. Projects under this initiative may include, but are not limited to the following: * Developing a conservation plan * Establishing buffer zones * Planning and installing pollinator habitat * Improving soil quality and organic matter while minimizing erosion * Developing a grazing plan and supportive livestock practices * Improving irrigation efficiency * Enhancing cropping rotations and nutrient management Financial assistance is limited to totals of a maximum of $20,000 per fiscal year AND no more than $80,000 over six years. Applicants must meet all eligibility requirements associated with EQIP in addition to being a certified organic producer, a producer who is transitioning to become certified organic, or a producer who falls under the exemption category in the National Organic Program (NOP) regulation, as described below. * Certified organic producers must provide NRCS with a copy of their USDA NOP organic certificate or proof of good standing from a USDA-accredited certifying agent; certification must be maintained for the life of the contract. * Exempt producers who are selling less than $5,000 a year in organic agricultural products are exempt from NOP’s certification. Exempt organic producers are eligible for the EQIP Organic Initiative provided that they self-certify that they agree to develop and implement an Organic System Plan (OSP). * Transitioning to organic producers must self-certify that they agree to develop and implement an OSP. Vicki Morrone Organic Farming Specialist Center for Regional Food Systems at Michigan State University 480 Wilson Rd East Lansing, MI 48824 517-282-3557 (cell) [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]><> sorrone11 (skype) If you would like to access previous postings to the Mich-Organic listserv you can copy and paste the following URL into your browser address bar