Dear colleagues,
please find enclosed and below a new call for papers that might be of interest to you!
Best regards,
Thomas Steger
Journal of Business Ethics
Special Issue Call for Papers
Business Ethics in the Post-Communist Societies of Central and Eastern Europe
Submission Deadline for Full Papers: Friday 1 November 2019
Guest Editors:
Anna Soulsby, Nottingham University Business School, U.K. (Email:
[log in to unmask]);
Anna Remišová, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia. Email:
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Thomas Steger, University of Regensburg, Germany. Email:
[log in to unmask]
Introduction to the Special Issue Call for Papers
This call for papers, which follows on from the last special issue
on post-communist societies (Brown, McCabe and Primeaux, 2003)
will focus on the developments in ethical standards in the
post-communist countries of Central and Eastern Europe as over
thirty years has elapsed since the demise of the Soviet Bloc.
Despite some common institutional features the societies of
Central and Eastern Europe have had very different experiences
(Hardy, 2014; Myant and Drahokoupil, 2010; 2011) with uneven
developments across the region since the collapse of communism. In
this special issue we invite papers that explore business ethics
situated within the context of the challenges that face these
still transforming societies.
The post-communist societies of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) have experienced radical changes since the collapse of communism. A particular issue for these societies has been the development of new political and economic institutions to meet the requirements of modern European market democracies. An important part of this process was the move to develop these societies to conform to the norms of the European Union leading to eventual accession (with exception of the former Eastern Germany) in the 2000s. Managers of organisations have had to respond to the fast changes in their markets, the privatisation of former state-owned enterprises (Filatotchev, Starkey and Wright, 1994; Gray, 1996), the rolling back of the state, the development competition with new companies (Smallbone and Welter, 2001), the impact of foreign direct investment and the effects of the 2008 financial crisis. Managers have also had to respond to the challenge of the re-legitimisation of management as an activity in post-communist society where managers were viewed as part of the repressive state bureaucracy (Bohata, 1997).
We are interested in theoretical and empirical research on that
investigates managerial and organisational responses to these
challenges. Papers might consider, but are by no means limited to,
the following topics:
- The influence of privatisation and post-privatisation strategies
on management behaviour and ethics
- Leadership, misconduct and unethical behaviour by managers and
owners of companies
- Corporate governance and transparency and corruption
- The development of local and national government institutions
after the collapse of the Soviet Bloc and their influence on
managers and organisations
- Spill-over effects and the influence of joint-ventures and
multi-multinationals on the development of managerial practices
and ethics
- The development of professional ethical standards in CEE and
management education programmes
- The effects of the historical legacy of societal tolerance of
corruption and unethical behaviour
- Comparative studies of managerial behaviour across the CEE
Submission Process and Deadline
Authors should refer to the Journal of Business Ethics website for
instructions on submitting a paper and for more information about
the journal:
Submission of papers to the special issue is required through
Editorial Manager at: Upon
submission, please indicate that your submission is to this
Special Issue. Any questions about potential topics and papers
should be directed to the guest editors of the special issue. The
deadline for submission of full papers is Friday 1 November 2019.
Bohata, M. (1997). Business Ethics in Central and Eastern Europe
with Special Focus on the Czech Republic. Journal of Business
Ethics 15: 1571–1577.
Brown, W. S; McCabe, D. and Primeaux, P. (2003). Business Ethics
in Transitional Economies, Introduction. Journal of Business
Ethics 47: 295-297
Filatotchev, I.; Starkey, K. and Wright, M. (1994). The Ethical
Challenge of Management Buy-Outs as a Form of Privatisation in
Central and Eastern Europe. Journal of Business Ethics. 13, 7:
Gray, C. (1996). In Search of Owners: Privatization and Corporate
Governance in Transition Economies. The World Bank Research
Observer, 11, 2: 179-97.
Hardy, J. (2014). Transformation and Crisis in Central and Eastern
Europe: A Combined and Uneven Development Perspective. Capital
& Class. 38, 1:143–155.
Myant, M. and Drahokoupil, J. (2010). Transition Economies:
Political Economy in Russia, Eastern Europe and Central Asia,
Myant, M and Drahokoupil, J. (2012). International Integration,
Varieties of Capitalism and Resilience to Crisis in Transition
Economies. Europe-Asia Studies, 64, 1: 1-33.
Smallbone, D. and Welter, F. (2001). The Distinctiveness of
Entrepreneurship in Transition Economies. Small Business
Economics, 16: 249–262.
Paper Development Workshop
There will be a paper development workshop organised at the
University of Regensburg, 11-12 July 2019. Please email
[log in to unmask] with your paper by 27 May
2019. Please note that attendance at the workshop is not a
requirement for submission to the special issue.