


*(Israel, Jordan, Morocco) *

*December 30**, 2018 - January 13, 2019*

The Faculty Development in International Business (FDIB) - MENA program is
offered annually by a consortium of CIBER universities. This program,
funded in part by the U.S. Department of Education and lead-managed by the
CIBERs of Brigham Young University and The George Washington University,
focuses on providing participating faculty a unique international study
tour opportunity, which will ultimately assist the United States in its
international competitiveness via pedagogy, research, and business
outreach. The objective of the FDIB-MENA program is to raise faculty
awareness of the economic, political and cultural environments that exist
in the Middle East and Africa today, and, ultimately, to leverage that
first-hand awareness into competence and expertise in classrooms and on
research campuses throughout the United States.


·         Dome of the Rock

·         Garden Tomb

·         Bethlehem

·         Hebrew University, Jerusalem

·         The Dead Sea

·         Petra, Jordan

·         University of Amman, Jordan

·         Kasbah of Rabat

·         Medina of Fez

·         Business visits will include companies that highlight the
business issues in the region such as SME development, tourism, Islamic
banking, the Israeli/Palestinian relationship and entrepreneurship.

**Please note that the program is subject to change; participants will
receive a final program schedule NLT Dec 15, 2018.*

*Event Locations / Activity *

Dec 30: Arrive in Jerusalem, Israel (via Tel Aviv)

Dec 31-Jan 3: Jerusalem and Tel Aviv business, academic, and cultural

Jan 4: Travel to Amman, Jordan

Jan 5-6: Petra and Amman business and cultural visits

Jan 7:  Fly to Rabat, Morocco

Jan 8-12: Rabat and Fez, Morocco business and cultural visits

Jan 13: Depart for U.S.

*Program Fees *

Faculty or Professional: $4,500

Graduate Student: $3,500

*The fee covers double-room occupancy lodging (a single room supplement of
$1,000 is also available), air trans­portation from Amman to Rabat, all
in-country ground transportation, many program meals (although not all
meals) and entry fees to all program events and excursions*.

(*Note: Roundtrip airfare from the U.S. to Tel Aviv and from Rabat back to
the U.S. is not included in the program fee*.)

for more information or to Register, please email either:

*Jonathon Wood (BYU CIBER)*

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*Alexis Gaul (GW-CIBER)*

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