Dear AIB colleagues, Within the framework of its internationalization policies, the University of Macerata is launching the 2019-2020 call for applications for Visiting Professors. In the light of such internationalization policies, the University of Macerata would expect its Visiting Professors to contribute to reaching bi-lateral cooperation agreements, as well as to publishing scientific papers jointly with members of the teaching staff of the University of Macerata. The Visiting Professors Program welcomes applications from scholars with proven experience in teaching and research, who hold positions of Full Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor in leading institutions of higher education throughout the world. The Visiting Professors are required to stay at the University of Macerata for a period of three months (type A) or two months (type B) during the chosen semester. In the first semester the visiting period may start in September 2019 and to end within December 2019, while in the second semester it may start in February 2020 and to end within May 2020. During their stay at the University of Macerata Visiting Professors are to engage in the following activities: - provide at least 15 hours of standard teaching in BA courses, MA/single-cycle courses and Ph.D courses held at the relevant host Department and at 'Giacomo Leopardi' School of Higher Studies; - carry out research on the topics specified in their application, in the relevant host Department together with research groups operating therein; - draw a final and conclusive report in English to be validated by the Head of the relevant Department or the Departments’ Deputy Dean for internationalization The amount of the grant is € 7.000,00 (Type A) or € 5.000,00 (Type B). Deadline: Applications must be submitted no later than h.14:00 (Italian hour) on 30th January 2019 Acceptance of the position: 28th February 2019 For additional information, please, read carefully the call for applications: Online form to submit applications: To verify compliance of your institutional position requirements, please click here: Best regards. Ernesto Tavoletti Ernesto Tavoletti, PhD, Associate Professor of Management, International Business Strategy, and International Marketing, Department of Political Science, Communication and International Relations, University of Macerata, P.zza Strambi, n. 1, 62100, Macerata, Italy, Phone: +39-0733-2582768; Fax: +39-0733-2582768, Skype: ernesto.tavoletti; webpage: ____ AIB-L is brought to you by the Academy of International Business. For information: To post message: [log in to unmask] For assistance: [log in to unmask] AIB-L is a moderated list.