2019 AAOM Doctoral Consortium



Quick Facts

Important Dates:

§  Submission Deadline: 31st January 2019 (24:00 midnight Hong Kong time)

§  Notification: 28th February 2019

§  Doctoral Consortium Day: Wednesday, 19th June 2019

Submission Details:

§  Online Submission: [log in to unmask].   

§  Template: Submissions should follow the style of the Asia Pacific Journal of Management for formatting, with 12 size font and double space (main text only).

§  Submission Content: (1) 1-page application letter, (2) 3-page research summary (including references), (3) a letter from your advisor, and (4) a 1-2-page CV.


§  Xiaohua Yang, University of San Francisco, USA ([log in to unmask] 

§  Badri Munir Sukoco, Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia ([log in to unmask])

At the conference: Accepted submissions will be presented at the Doctoral Consortium.


Message from the Doctoral Consortium Chairs

The 11th Asia Academy of Management Conference provides an opportunity for doctoral students to explore and develop their research interests in an interdisciplinary workshop, under the guidance of a panel of distinguished researchers. We invite students who feel they would benefit from this kind of feedback on their dissertation work to apply for this unique opportunity to share their work with students in a similar situation as well as senior researchers in the field. The strongest candidates will be those who have a clear topic and research approach, and have made some progress, but who are not so far along that they can no longer make changes. In addition to stating how you will benefit from participation, both you and your advisor should be clear on what you can contribute to the Doctoral Consortium.


What is the Doctoral Consortium?

The Consortium has the following objectives:

§  Provide a setting where students can present their work and meet other students.

§  Provide feedback on students’ current research and guidance on future research and career directions.

§  Offer each student comments and fresh perspectives on their work from researchers and students outside their own institution.

§  Promote the development of a supportive community of scholars and a spirit of collaborative research.

§  Contribute to the conference goals through interaction with other researchers and conference events.

The Consortium will be held on Wednesday, 19th June 2019. 
It will be a single track half-day event with the following two sessions:

§  Session One: Faculty panel presentations on specific issues related to dissertation writing and career development based on their own experiences.

§  Session Two: The Chairs will assign one senior faculty mentor to a small group of participants to comment/critique the submitted papers. Each student is required to prepare a one-page handout to distribute to fellow participants at the table.


Preparing and Submitting your Doctoral Consortium Proposal

A Doctoral Consortium proposal must be submitted via the [log in to unmask]  by 31stJanuary 2019 (12 am midnight Indonesian time). The proposal must have the following components, submitted as a single PDF file (submission from a single student with multiple documents is discouraged and may be disqualified if we have a large number of applications):

1.     A one-page application letter outlining the stage of your doctoral program, what you wish to achieve at the consortium, how your participation could benefit your dissertation research and your future career, and what you could contribute to other participants at the consortium.

2.     In addition to the one-page letter, a three-page dissertation research summary (of any length, but not to exceed 3 pages including references) describing central aspects of your doctoral work. Key points include:

a.     Motivation that drives your dissertation research

b.     Research objectives/goals/questions

c.     Background/literature review of key works that frames your research

d.     Your research approach and methods, including relevant rationale

e.     Results to date and their validity (if available)

3.     A letter of nomination from your primary dissertation advisor, certifying your status as doctoral student and justifying your participation at the consortium.

4.     Your current Curriculum Vita (1-2 pages).

It is essential for you to ensure that your submission is complete and in accordance with the format and content guidelines for the AAOM Doctoral Consortium. Because the Doctoral Consortium Committee expects to receive a large number of applications, submissions that do not meet these requirements will be returned without further consideration.


Doctoral Consortium Selection Process

The review and decision of acceptance will balance many factors. This includes the quality of your proposal, and where you are within your doctoral education program. Candidates who have a clearly developed idea, who are formally considered by their institution to be working on their dissertation, and who still have time to be influenced by participation in the Consortium will receive the strongest consideration. Participants in the Consortium will be selected via a curation process by the Doctoral Consortium Committee.

Over and above an assessment of research quality, the selection process will also consider additional factors. The goal is to identify a set of students that will benefit significantly from the event and support each other in their growth. As a group, the accepted candidates will exhibit a diversity of backgrounds and topics. Your institution will be taken into account, where we are unlikely to accept more than two students from the same institution and almost certainly will not accept more than one student with the same advisor. Attendees from previous AAOM doctoral consortia are strongly discouraged from applying, and should clearly explain how they think attending a second related event would benefit them in a new way.

Submissions should not contain sensitive, private, or proprietary information that cannot be disclosed at the conference time. Submissions should NOT be anonymous. However, confidentiality of submissions will be maintained during the review process. All rejected submissions will be kept confidential in perpetuity. All submitted materials for accepted submissions will be kept confidential until the start of the conference, with the exception of title and author information, which will be published on the website prior to the conference.


Upon Acceptance of your Doctoral Consortium Proposal

Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection on 28th February 2019.  Authors of accepted submissions will receive further information about attending the Doctoral Consortium, preparing your presentation, and registering for the conference.


At the Conference

All participants are expected to attend all of three days of the conference, including a welcome reception on the first (Wednesday, 19th June 2019), gala dinner on the second (Thursday, 20th June 2019) and a closing session on the third day (Friday, 21st June 2019). For more information on 11th Asia Academy of Management Conference, please visit:




Each student will present his or her work to the group with substantial time allowed for discussion and questions by participating faculty mentors and other students. Detailed instructions will be provided to participants upon acceptance. Although many fine pieces of work have to be rejected due to lack of space, being accepted into the AAOM Doctoral Consortium is an honor and involves a commitment to giving and receiving thoughtful commentary with an eye towards shaping the field and the future research agendas of the participating doctoral students.

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