Dear AIB Colleagues,
I’m currently co-editing a book with Dr. Michael Frenkel titled “Economics of Cryptocurrencies.” (Routledge, 2020). Might you be interested in contributing a chapter ?
As you are aware, cryptocurrencies are making an impact on financial markets worldwide. The edited
book aims to explore the economic implications of the use of cryptocurrencies. Drawing from chapter contributors from around the world, the book will be the ultimate resource on the economics of cryptocurrencies. The intended audience will be academics, corporate
leaders, entrepreneurs, government leaders, consultants and policy makers worldwide.
In this book project, we are gathering thought leaders from around the world to advance thinking on cryptocurrencies and economics.
Selected chapter topics below (Chapters 2-9) are available :
Chapter Title Word Count
1 |
Introduction (Munoz and Frenkel)
3,500 |
2 |
Understanding cryptocurrencies |
3,500 |
3 |
Microeconomics of cryptocurrencies |
3,500 |
4 |
Macroeconomics of cryptocurrencies |
3,500 |
5 |
Cryptocurrencies and cybersecurity |
3,500 |
6 |
Cryptocurrencies and trade |
3,500 |
7 |
Cryptocurrencies and monetary policy |
3,500 |
8 |
Geopolitics of cryptocurrencies |
3,500 |
9 |
Geoeconomics of cryptocurrencies |
3,500 |
10 |
Conclusion (Munoz and Frenkel) |
3,500 |
Related topics of high interest about cryptocurrencies may be accepted.
Chapter contributors will have a year to complete their chapters. Chapter due date is
Jan 15, 2020.
If you are interested in contributing a chapter, kindly submit the following to me via email in one MS Word file on or before
Nov 30, 2018 : 1) Proposed title from the list of chapters above or related topic, 2) 3 sentence abstract, 3) 3 sentence bio of chapter contributor(s).
I look forward to hearing from you and in working together to advance knowledge in the fields of economics and cryptocurrencies.
Sincerely yours,
Dr. J. Mark Munoz
Professor, Management and International Business
Dwayne Andreas Endowed Professor of Business, Millikin University
Tel Nos (217) 420-6762, (217) 433-1425
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