* Apologies for cross-postings *
Continuing the engaging conversation around migration, ethnicity, and integration (EGOS Colloquia 2015 and 2017), we invite you to submit your paper to this 2019 EGOS
sub-theme that will discuss where the values of the Enlightenment, as well as the negative construction of its ‘Other’ are found in todays’ societies and organizations.
EGOS Sub-theme 36: Societies and Organizations to the Test of Migration and Multiculturalism
This sub-theme welcomes scholars engaged in migration, diversity management, ethnicity, post-colonial and critical race studies to consider how their research informs us
on current practices and trends in society and organizations, especially in view of the ideal of a free, tolerant, and rational model of a multicultural society, building on human rights and equality. We welcome all papers touching on migration (high and low-skilled,
economic and humanitarian, etc.), ethnicity/race, as well as religion, nationality, and related identity markers. Papers may address, but are not limited to, global societal trends in migration, the labor market position of migrants and ethnic minorities,
the topics of inclusion, exclusion, fairness, discrimination, diversity management, and (in)equality in society and organizations.
Submission deadline of short papers (max 3,00 words): January 14, 2019
Read the full call for papers: https://www.egosnet.org/jart/prj3/egos/main.jart?rel=de&reserve-mode=active&content-id=1534193845533&subtheme_id=1511424499538
Contact Koen van Laer ([log in to unmask]) or Laurence Romani
([log in to unmask]) for more information.
Koen, Laurence & Mina