

*Apologies for cross-posting*

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Please note this important message.



13th GEM&L International Conference on Management & Language

Sheffield Hallam University

Deadline extension for paper submissions: 26 November 2018


Exploring Multiple Perspectives on Translation in International Business and Management


Please download the call for short papers by clicking on the link below.


Deadline for short paper submission:                                                   26 November, 2018

Notification of acceptance of the short paper:                                          11 January, 2019

Conference presentation will be possible based on acceptance of the short paper, provided that a full paper has been sent for review in March 2019.


Deadline for full paper submission:                                                           8 March, 2019

Notification of the results of the double blind review                           19 May, 2019

Resubmission of the full paper is not required.


GEM&L Conference at Sheffield Hallam University:                               4-5 June, 2019

Pre-conference Paper Development Workshop:                                         3 June, 2019


For registration information go to:

Registration deadline (early bird):                                            1 April, 2019

Registration deadline (final):                                                     27 May, 2019 

GEM&L is currently negotiating the possibility of a special issue with a ranked academic journal. In order to help authors to prepare their full paper for this journal, we are planning a PDW on 3rd June 2019. We will provide further information shortly.

GEM&L website :

For further information : [log in to unmask]

We appreciate your consideration of this invitation and hope to hear from you soon!

The conference organizing committee

Dr. Philippe Lecomte

Président du GEM&L

[log in to unmask]

+33 662 384 913

skype : lecomte.p


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