

Dear Colleagues,

Calls for each of our AIB 2019 Pre-conference Activities are now available
on the AIB website <>. The
application/submission deadline for each of these events is *Jan. 15, 2019.*

For more information or to follow up with questions for the event
organizers, please use the information below.

*The AIB/Sheth Foundation Doctoral Student Consortium*
*Point of contact:* Rian Drogendijk, [log in to unmask]

*The AIB Junior Faculty Consortium*
*Point of contact:* Ulf Andersson, [log in to unmask]

*The Journal of International Business Studies Paper Development Workshop*
*Point of contact:* Stav Fainshmidt, [log in to unmask]

*The Journal of International Business Policy Paper Development Workshop*
*Point of contact:* Ari Van Assche, [log in to unmask]

See you in Copenhagen!

*Media and Communications*
*Academy of International Business*
645 N Shaw Ln, Rm 7
Eppley Center
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824
+1 (517) 884-1674
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