From: "Barras, Scott C. - APHIS" <[log in to unmask]> Date: Tuesday, October 2, 2018 at 3:12 PM Subject: Position Announcement Please find attached an announcement for two positions with the USDA Wildlife Services Programs in Indiana and Virginia. Please feel free to distribute or post for your current and former students. If you are no longer the appropriate contact or wish to stop receiving these announcements, please let me know and I’ll remove your contact information. Take care and have a great day! Scott C. Barras, Ph.D. State Director USDA Wildlife Services – Virginia P.O. Box 130 Moseley, VA 23120 804-739-7739 [log in to unmask] This electronic message contains information generated by the USDA solely for the intended recipients. Any unauthorized interception of this message or the use or disclosure of the information it contains may violate the law and subject the violator to civil or criminal penalties. If you believe you have received this message in error, please notify the sender and delete the email immediately.