The Undergraduate Field Experiences Research Network (UFERN) is pleased to announce a new webinar series focused on 21st century field education. The webinar series will bring expertise to our discussions and thinking that support the goal of UFERN by moving field learning experiences into the 21st century. Please join us for the first webinar in this series on November 14th at 10 am PST. The webinar will feature two guests from the geosciences. Dr. Diana Dalbotten, Diversity Director at St. Anthony Falls Laboratory at the University of Minnesota and Dr. Emily Geraghty Ward, Assistant Professor of Geology at Rocky Mountain College will present on the use of place-based, community-inspired research to broaden participation in the geosciences. Their talk will present a model for engaging underrepresented students—the REU site on Sustainable Land and Water Resources (SLAWR)—that emphasizes place and community and recruiting Native American students. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER for the LIVE WEBINAR, November 14th @ 10 am PST<> For additional information about upcoming webinars or to register for our listserv, visit<>. Best, Kelly L. Hoke, MS Research Analyst Center for Research on Lifelong STEM Learning<> Oregon State University 254 Gilbert Hall Corvallis, OR 97331 [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>