46th Academy of International Business UK & Ireland Chapter Conference

25 – 27 April 2019, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK.



Multinational Enterprises and their Non-market Social and Political Strategies


The strategies of Multinational Enterprises (MNEs) are influenced by both market and nonmarket forces surrounding them. The nonmarket environment comprises of social actors such as communities and non-governmental organisations; and political actors such as regulatory agencies and the government. In a global business context, there is a greater variety of nonmarket issues and stakeholders who often have conflicting expectations. Via nonmarket strategies, MNEs can address the interests of various stakeholders, such as of customers in demanding low-priced products, of employees of having continued jobs, of shareholders of expecting reasonable profits, and of communities in contributing to local development. In doing so, MNEs can participate in the government’s policymaking process by cooperating with nonmarket actors and by identifying win-win solutions. Research on MNEs’ non-market strategies is scarce and non-market strategies become increasingly important in the current age, when the regulatory environments are changing not only in emerging economies but also in developed countries – notably in the US and UK. At the AIB-UKI 2019 conference, we therefore call for greater research in this rather less-researched, yet important aspect of international business, and the implications of MNEs’ nonmarket strategies in the current times.


Keynote Speakers: Professors Jonathan Doh, Thomas Lawton and Steven McGuire.


While we focus on this theme, we welcome papers in ALL areas of international business.



Please find attached our detailed flyer. Please visit our conference website for details: https://www.aib-uki.org/conference.html


Important Dates and Deadlines:

·         Conference registration and submission of papers begins:  15 November 2018

·         Deadline for Main Conference papers: 15 January 2019

·         Deadline for Doctoral Colloquium papers:  31 January 2019

·         Early Bird Registration deadline:  4 April 2019


Paper submissions will managed through ConfTool. Details will be provided on the website.


Registration fees:

·         Faculty: £315.00 (Early Bird), £375 (Late)

·         PhD Student: £195.00 (Early Bird), £255 (Late)

·         Additional Gala Dinner ticket: £60.00 


Conference Chair: Dr Vikrant Shirodkar


For any general queries, please email: [log in to unmask].


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