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Texas International Conference 2018


The 2018 Texas International Business and Economics Conference will be held November 5–6 at Baylor University, Waco, TX. Academic papers will be presented on November 5, during concurrent sessions beginning at 2:00pm. Presenters are encouraged to remain for a Policy Forum on “Trade Integration in the Americas” will be held on the evening of September 5 and through the day on November 6 with these speakers:

  • John Andersen – Deputy Assistant Secretary of Commerce for the Western Hemisphere
  • Otaviano Canuto – Member, Executive Board of Directors of the World Bank Group, representing Brazil, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Haiti, Panama, Philippines, Suriname, and Trinidad & Tobago.
  • Lawrence P. Howorth – President and CEO, Howorth International and Chair Emeritus, District Export Council of North Texas
  • Musheer Kamau – Regional Operations Advisor, Caribbean Group, Inter-American Development Bank
  • Vasken Khabayan – Consul General (Acting), Consulate General of Canada in Dallas
  • Jorge Molina – Independent Consultant and faculty member at Universidad Panamericana and Tec de Monterrey
  • William S. "Bill" Simon – former president and CEO of Walmart and current senior advisor to KKR and member of the Baylor University Board of Regents
  • Alejandra de la Vega-Foster - Secretary of Innovation and Economic Development for the State of Chihuahua, Mexico; vice president of Almacenes Distribuidores de la Frontera; and co-owner of the El Paso Chihuahuas


Submissions of full-length manuscripts are preferred, but abstracts (150-300 words) are also acceptable.

Any topic in international business or economics is appropriate, including:

International Business: multinational enterprises; cross-border activities of firms; international environment and decision-making processes of firms; cross-country comparative studies of businesses.

International Economics: international trade; capital flows; international investments; exchange rates; transfer pricing; international political economy; international economic development; international taxation.

There is no submission or registration fee. Graduate students are welcome to fully participate.

All participants must submit their work electronically to [log in to unmask]. The deadline for submission is October 5, 2018, 11:59 PM CST. Submissions will be evaluated by a scientific committee coordinated by Steve Gardner and Lourenço Paz. We plan to post a preliminary program by October 12, 2018.

Participants are invited, if they wish, to submit their papers for consideration for a special issue of the journal, Economies, for which Professor Paz is the guest editor and there is no submission fee.

Additional information is available on the Conference website:







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