Plenary Panel Session

Session 892


Revisiting the Geographic Space of Value Creation and Appropriation from the Complementary Assets Framework


TUESDAY, September 25, 2018

2:30pm – 3:30pm

Marriott Auditorium


We would like to invite you to our plenary panel session that will be taking place at SMS Paris on Tuesday, September 25th from 2:30pm-3:30pm in the Marriott Auditorium. Our plenary panel session includes four of our field’s most distinguished scholars:



The plenary panelists will be discussing the topic: Revisiting the Geographic Space of Value Creation and Appropriation from the Complementary Assets Framework.  


Abstract: Over the past decade, the seemingly diminishing interdependence of countries begs for a new dialogue on the geographic space of value creation and value appropriation. The literature of global strategy has delineated how firm internationalization is a source of both; however, the era of de-globalization creates new opportunities and challenges for firms to manage the internationalization of their activities. To address these changing dynamics, we take the complementary assets perspective (Teece, 1986)—which provides a systematic understanding of both value creation and value appropriation—and revisit the geographic space of profiting from innovation. Well-established in the technology management and innovation literature, the complementary assets framework can shed new light on the importance of geographic space in creating and capturing economic rent from innovation.


Q & A session to follow, after the plenary panelists’ presentations.


Thank you for joining us and see you soon in Paris!


Session Leaders

Minyoung Kim, University of Kansas

Curba M Lampert, Florida International University

Raja Roy, New Jersey Institute of Technology


Full session details: https://www.strategicmanagement.net/paris/tools/session-details?sessionId=892

Minyoung Kim, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Management and International Business
School of Business | University of Kansas | Lawrence, KS 66045

school website: http://www.business.ku.edu/minyoung-kim
personal website: http://works.bepress.com/mykim

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