We are pleased to announce that the 7th Reading Conference (in collaboration with UNCTAD) will take place at the Henley Business School, University of Reading, UK, from 5-6 April 2019. The conference will follow the traditional Reading Conference approach of open-ended debates with an explicit focus on conceptual and theoretical developments. The debates will build around the following themes: 1. New Technology and the MNE: have we exaggerated their role in competitiveness? 2. Human capital and migration in an age of globalization: beyond expatriates and high-skilled workers? 3. 50 years of Mark Casson: Rebel with a Cause, or Iconoclast ? This final theme is to celebrate with Mark his 50 years at Reading, and pre-empting the likely royal edict declaring him a 'national treasure'. We will also have competitive paper sessions in all areas of international business. Parallel Sessions: Submissions for the parallel sessions (at which papers on all aspects of IB are welcome), must be substantially complete papers that can be considered for potential publication after the conference. We are seeking to arrange various publication possibilities. Previous conference papers have been published in Journal of Management Studies, European Journal of Development Research and Multinational Business Review. Poster Sessions: Poster papers are preliminary versions of new papers, or work-in-progress. Selection will be based abstracts (of up to 500 words). Please mark these dates in your diary, which we assure you will be the highlight of your academic year. Our conferences are incredibly affordable, and some have said that - for the intellectual stimulation they provide - they are willing to pay three times as much! Upgrade your minds for almost no money. Visit https://hly.ac/IBConf2019 2019 Conference Key dates: Conference registration and submission of papers opens 1 November 2018 Submission for Main Conference deadline 7 January 2019 Confirmation of paper acceptances 1 February 2019 Early-bird registration ends 20 February 2019 Conference registration closing date 24 March 2019 Questions about the conference? Email [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> Want to suggest a brilliant idea, volunteer your services, or donate generously to the Dunning Centre? Email [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> Regards, Rajneesh Narula, OBE, PhD, FRSA The John H. Dunning Chair of International Business Henley Business School, Reading University Note the 7th Reading-UNCTAD IB conference<https://hly.ac/IBConf2019> is taking place from 5-6 April 2019 ! ____ AIB-L is brought to you by the Academy of International Business. For information: http://aib.msu.edu/community/aib-l.asp To post message: [log in to unmask] For assistance: [log in to unmask] AIB-L is a moderated list.