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Please join us for the second talk in our three-part 
series featuring guest speakers from states that, like Michigan, have visionary plans that guide their local food systems progress!

The goal of this series is to generate ideas about directions for the Michigan Good Food movement after 2020 by learning from similar initiatives in other states and reflecting on the first eight years of the Michigan Good Food Charter in action.

Upcoming speakers:

Each speaker will address:

We hope you can participate! Registration details are below. Some dates and details are still being finalized.

Questions? Contact Kathryn Colasanti [log in to unmask]. 


Michael Dahl - Minnesota Food Charter

October 18, 2018
11:15 AM – 12:30 PM
Michigan State University Natural Resources Building, Room 338

11:15 AM - 11:30 AM
11:30 AM - 12:15 PM
12:15 PM - 12:30 PM
Register here to participate in person.
Register here to participate via Zoom.

The Minnesota Food Charter Network supports and fosters shared action and capacity to implement the Food Charter’s 99 strategies, which increase access to healthy, safe, and affordable food for all.  The Network’s Director, Michael Dahl, works to connect communities across the state by helping to coordinate the efforts of several Food Charter teams, focusing on the Network's structure and communications as well as the measurement of strategy implementation. 


Tom Kelly - Food Solutions New England (six state region)

November 15, 2018
9:00 AM – 11:00 AM

Registration links coming soon.

Tom Kelly is the founding convener of Food Solutions New England, a co-author of the New England Food Vision and the executive director of the University of New Hampshire’s Sustainability Institute. The Sustainability Institute serves as the backbone organization for Food Solutions New England, a six-state network that stewards the New England Food Vision while connecting and aligning diverse partners across the region. 


-- Previous speaker --

Ellen Kahler - Vermont Farm to Plate

July 31, 2018 

View a recording of Ellen's presentation

Ellen Kahler is the Executive Director of The Vermont Sustainable Jobs Fund, which serves as the administrator and backbone organization to the Farm to Plate Network and manages the analysis and goal tracking of the Farm to Plate Strategic Plan implementation.


Andrea Weiss
Communications Director
Center for Regional Food Systems | Michigan State University
480 Wilson Road, Room 309 | Natural Resources Building | East Lansing, MI 48824
(517) 432-0283