There are lots of great GER sessions at GSA in Indianapolis this year - and with the abstract deadline approaching on August 14th (11:59pm PDT), I'd like to draw your attention to four NAGT-GER division-sponsored sessions on active learning, learning in the field, climate literacy, and methodologies and theoretical frameworks.
Session T84 is somewhat unique, focusing on the decision-making process in conducting GER studies. It builds on two previous sessions on methods in GER, with the goal of building our community's awareness of different methods and theoretical frameworks. You can view previous presentations in these sessions from
2015 and
2016. If you have any questions about whether your work might fit in this session, please let me know.
T72. Integrating Active Learning Strategies into College-Level Geoscience Classrooms: Implementation, Effects, and “Lessons Learned”
Jason P. Jones, Katherine Ryker, LeeAnna Young Chapman, C. Doug Czajka
The integration of active learning strategies into college-level STEM courses has been shown to improve student outcomes. This session will explore the evidence behind incorporating active learning into geoscience courses.
T76. Beyond the Road-Cut: Virtual, Local, and Nontraditional Field Teaching and Learning Experiences
Lauren Neitzke Adamo, Julia Criscione, Jacob Setera, Kelsey S. Bitting
Virtual exploration, museum-based assignments, and analysis of geoscience on campus can be more inclusive ways to enhance students' conceptual learning and motivation. This session welcomes presentations describing nontraditional field experiences and evidence of their effectiveness.
T78. Barriers, Misconceptions, and Progress in Improving Climate Literacy and Strategies for Communicating about Climate Change
Don Duggan-Haas, Patrick Chandler, Anne U. Gold
This session will focus on research and evaluation of climate literacy efforts and effective ways of communicating about climate change in general but also in cultural relevant contexts.
T84. Making Sense of Methodologies and Theoretical Frameworks in Geoscience Education Research
Katherine Ryker, Karen S. McNeal, Anne Gold, Leilani Arthurs
Methods and theoretical frameworks can come from multiple disciplines to shape the forefront of our field. Presenters are encouraged to highlight their decision-making process in research studies that advance the field. New approaches and applications of established methods/frameworks are welcome.