

The 6th Copenhagen Conference on: 'Emerging Multinationals': Outward Investment from Emerging Economies

Date: 11-12 October 2018

Venue: Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, Denmark

Submission deadline: 31 August

Conference papers will be considered for a special issue of Journal of International Management

The conference includes a 'meet the editors' session with Journal of International Business Policy and International Journal of Emerging Markets


This year’s conference welcomes all papers related to the broad conference theme of outward investment from emerging economies. In addition, the conference particularly invites papers related to the internationalization process. A decade or so into the current ‘wave’ of scholarly interest in outward investment from emerging economies, have particular internationalization process patterns become discernible?

Multinational companies from emerging economies (EMNCs) have become major players in the globalized world economy and wield growing influence on economic dynamics in developed, emerging, and developing countries alike. Firms and governments in developed countries increasingly need to engage with the array of challenges and opportunities presented by emerging-economy multinationals seeking access to markets and assets. Important impacts of outward direct investment from emerging economies (OFDI) are also be felt in developing host countries, where investments from emerging economies are becoming more and more significant. No less important are the effects in the home countries of the outward investing firms themselves. The rise of outward investment from emerging and developing countries requires further scrutiny theoretically, empirically and methodologically.

All papers related to the broad conference theme are welcome. In addition, this year’s conference particularly solicits papers with a focus on the internationalization process. Conceptual and empirical studies have shown how firms often internationalize through an experientially driven process involving increasing commitments to markets. What can we learn from EMNCs about the internationalization process in general? And do EMNCs exhibit particular characteristics in terms of the internationalization process? Providing new exemplars of MNCs, studies of EMNCs can help push the boundaries of our general understanding of the internationalization process and its determinants. And a deeper understanding of the dynamics of EMNC internationalization may shed light on how some of these firms progress differently through the internationalization process than what extant theories suggest.


The emergence of MNCs from emerging economies raises a wide range of challenges for theorists, business strategists, and policymakers alike. This year’s conference promotes ‘the internationalization process’ as a special but not exclusive theme.

Keynote speakers

Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra, Northeastern University
Ari Kokko, Copenhagen Business School
Axele Giroud, University of Manchester
Ilan Alon, University of Agder
Lourdes Casanova, Cornell University
Ram Mudambi, Temple University
Ravi Ramamurti, Northeastern University

Important dates

Submission of paper deadline:                   31 August
Paper acceptance/rejection:                       7 September
Registration & submission of final paper:    12 September
Conference:                                             11-12 October

Submission & publication

Please email your paper to [log in to unmask] as an MS Word or PDF document.

Accepted papers will be uploaded to an electronic proceedings on the conference website.

Conference papers will be considered for a special issue of Journal of International Management.

The previous conferences in the series have produced special issues of Asia Pacific Journal of Management, Journal of International Management, International Journal of Technology Management, European Management Journal, International Journal of Emerging Markets, International Journal of Technological Learning, Innovation and Development, and International Journal of Technology and Globalization.

Conference fee

The conference fee is EUR250. The fee covers meals, refreshments and conference materials. The concluding dinner is an optional extra.

Further information

For further information, contact:

Peter Gammeltoft
Department of International Economics and Management
Email: [log in to unmask]

Visit also the conference website:


Carlsberg Foundation
Otto Mønsted Foundation
EAC Foundation


Professor (wsr)


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DK-2000 Frederiksberg

Tel.: +45 3815 3369
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