The Ingham County Health Department AmeriCorps State Program is looking to fill 3 positions focused on healthy lifestyles and food security in the Greater Lansing area with the following positions:  


1.      Food & Fitness Education Coordinator – full-time hosted at Allen Neighborhood Center

2.      Volunteer & Pantry Coordinator – full-time hosted at Allen Neighborhood Center

3.      Nutrition Project Coordinator – part-time hosted at Tri-County Office on Aging



Member benefits:

·         Full time = 1700 hours served: 36 hours/week; Part time=900 hours served: 20-25 hours/week.

·         Full time living stipend of $12,630 distributed bi-weekly; Part time living stipend of $6,400

·         Loan forbearance for qualified student loans

·         Full time education award of $5,920, Part time education award of $2,920 upon successful completion

·         Continual professional development training & support

·         The opportunity to serve with a team of passionate leaders working towards food sovereignty

·         Professional and personal growth


To view a complete list of available positions visit our website:


Interested candidates must submit a cover letter and resume to be eligible for consideration to Andrea Villanueva, ICHD AmeriCorps Program Director at [log in to unmask] no later than 5pm September 10th, 2018.  To apply for more than one position, candidates must indicate in their cover what positions they are applying for.



Andrea Villanueva

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AmeriCorps State Program Director

Ingham County Health Department

5303 S. Cedar St., Suite 2400

Lansing, MI 48909

Office: 517.887.4558  |  Cell: 517-582-4755

Fax: 517.887.4310

E-mail: [log in to unmask]