


Taking into account that  the fields of international business and
international marketing still use the same old theories and models
repeatedly, which, in turn, has made the research somewhat replete with
recycled research, there are some attempts to develop new theoretical
models/measures, which could be used as theoretical lens in future research.

Some of them are
1. Masstige Model and Measure ,  Published online on 7th July, 2018  in
European Management Journal, Impact factor 2.45.
(useful for international marketing,  brand management etc).
Access Link-

2.  Toward a New Model for Firm Internationalization (CPP Model )-.
published online on 11th July, 2018.
Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences,  IF 0.7.
Access Link

3.  MASS PRESTIGE VALUE AND COMPETITION,  International Business Review,
Published on 7th March, 2018.

4.  Toward a 'MASSTIGE THEORY AND STRATEGY , European Journal of
International Management'masstige'_theory_and_strategy_for_marketing

Thank you very much,

*Professor, Graduate School of Business, University of Puerto rico &
*Florida , USA <>*
Phone:  +1 787 637 6463
Guest Editor -  International Business Review
Senior/Asso Editor- EUROPEAN J of IM
<> ; Journal of Promotion
 ;:Int J of Em Markets

Author: Export-Import Management Oxford University Press
ResearchGate <>
Academia <> Google Scholar


2018 Journal Articles:

International Franchising: A Review and Agenda
Mass Prestige Value in an Emerging Market
Outward FDI from Emerging Countries: A Review

Call for Papers Special Issue - Research in Marketing Management

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