Reminder Message: Research Methods Clinics being offered at the AIB Annual Meeting in Minneapolis, June 25-28 June


Following last year's success, the AIB Research Methods Special Interest Group (SIG) is sponsoring six Research Methods Clinics sessions at the AIB 2018 Annual Meeting in Minneapolis.

Each clinic features a particular expert and topic, and provides discussion and direct feedback from the selected research methods expert/practitioner. 

As space is limited to 10 people per clinic, registration is required and is limited to one clinic per person. If you have not done so, please register as soon as possible to secure your place.

 Register Now for a Research Methods Clinic 

Tuesday, June 26 - 13:00-14:15

Larry Williams Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)
Catherine Welch Qualitative Methods
Stewart Miller Panel Data/Logistical Regression

Tuesday, June 26 - 14:30-15:45

Andrew Delios Multivariate Analysis/Covariate Effects/Model Specifications
Rebecca Piekkari Qualitative Methods
Elizabeth Rose Categorical Data/Survey Design

Wednesday, June 27 - 13:00-14:15

Douglas Dow Logistical and Multiple Regression
Rebecca Piekkari Qualitative Methods
Robert Vandenberg Longitudinal Data/Multi-level analysis/Research Design

Wednesday, June 27 - 14:30-15:45

Niina Nummela Mixed Methods
Catherine Welch Qualitative Methods
Robert Vandenberg Longitudinal Data/Multi-level analysis/Research Design

Thursday, June 28 - 13:00-14:15

Bo Nielsen Hierarchical Linear Modeling, SEM
Stewart Miller Multi-Stage (Heckman) Models
Larry Williams Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)

Thursday, June 28 - 14:30-15:45

Agnieszka Chidlow Data Collection and Questionnaire Design
Stewart Miller Multinomial/Ordered/Conditional/Nested Logits/Probits

 Register Now for a Research Methods Clinic 


Kind regards, 

Dr Agnieszka Chidlow

Deputy Head/Department of Strategy & International Business 

Senior Lecturer /Associate Professor in International Business

The University of Birmingham

The Birmingham Business School

Edgbaston Park Road
Birmingham, B15 2TY

Office Hours (Term 2: 2018): Tuesdays 13:00-14:00 & Thursdays 13:00-14:00 

Tel.: +44 (121) 41 43418

E-mail: [log in to unmask]

Twitter: @AggieChidlow

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