

[log in to unmask]" align="left" hspace="12" alt="" v:shapes="Picture_x0020_1">Harvard Business Review Press has just published Vijay Govindarajan and Ravi Ramamurti, Reverse innovation in health care: How to make value-based delivery work (HBR Press, July 2018). Can be purchased from HBR Press or through Amazon.

The book’s counterintuitive assertion is that health care in rich countries like the US can benefit from innovations in poor countries like India, where huge demand coupled with severe shortages of medical expertise and equipment has led some of hospitals to achieve breakthrough innovations in health care delivery. These hospitals are like the “Fords and Toyotas” of health care delivery. The bulk of the book profiles four US hospitals and startups that are already applying Indian-style practices to transform segments of the industry. Many more such bottom-up initiatives could begin to fix the problems of US health care.  Two of the US cases in the book are discussed in the article “Transforming health care from the ground up” HBR (July-Aug 2018): 96-105.

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