

Dear colleagues,

Just a friendly reminder that the extended deadline to submit papers for the 2018 Academy of International Business, Southeast USA Chapter (AIB-SE) is June 24, 2018! We are looking forward to your submissions!

You can find the CFP at AIB-SE 2018 Call for Papers and submit through the AIB-SE Online Submission System


Any questions pertaining to the call or submissions can be directed to Stewart Miller, 2018 Program Chair.


Featured Panels


  1. “Leaders, Fellows and Founders of Professional Organizations within the Academy”

Panelists: Lorraine Eden, Marjorie Lyles, and Anne Tsui (Moderator - Malika Richards)

  1. “Making a Difference Through Responsible Research”

Panelists: Anne Tsui, Lorraine Eden and Charles Dhanaraj

  1. Fareed ZakariaHost of Fareed Zakaria GPS on CNN Worldwide, Bestselling author. An AIB SE - Global Action Platform collaboration.


Doctoral Consortium

Co-chairs: Kelly Hewitt (U. Tennessee-Knoxville); John McIntyre (Georgia Tech)


New Faculty Consortium

Co-chairs: Hemant Merchant (U. of South Florida-St. Petersburg); Lance Brouthers (Kennesaw State)


Qualitative Research Methods Workshop

Workshop Leader: Anne Smith (U. Tennessee-Knoxville)

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Jun Wu

Marketing and Membership Chair for the 2018 conference


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