




2018 Conference Announcements


 Women in the AIB (WAIB) is an organization dedicated to networking and  mentoring for women in the AIB, and research on gender-related issues in international business.

Please join us at the AIB Annual Meeting this summer for networking, WAIB business, award announcements, and refreshments. Come to learn about how WAIB can help your career, and how you can contribute to WAIB and its members. 



WAIB Conference Panels

(open to all registered AIB conference participants)


Women in Business: Evidence from Around the World

Session 1.5.2 – Tuesday, June 26 - 16:15-17:30  Room: Lakeshore A

Track: 6 - Leadership and cross-cultural

Chairs: Stefanie Lenway, Janet Y. Murray, and Malika Richards

Panelists:  Rosalie L. Tung, Amy Goldman, Julia Halberg, Kymm Martinez, Lori McDougal, Usha Raghunath.


Navigating Academic Careers for Women

Session 2.3.4 – Wednesday, June 27 - 13:00-14:15Room: Lakeshore C

Track: 6 - Leadership and cross-cultural

Chairs: Malika Richards and Amanda Budde-Sung

Panelists: Malika Richards, Amanda Budde-Sung, Maria Tereza Leme Fleury, Marjorie Lyles, Susan Mudambi, Elizabeth L. Rose, Eleanor Westney, Yingying Zhang.


Speed-Mentoring Event for Women in the Academy of International Business

Session 3.4.4 – Thursday, June 28 - 14:30-15:45 – Room: Lakeshore C

Track: Special Session

Chairs: Saba Colakoglu and Suparna Chakraborty

Mentors:  Dana Minbaeva, Soo Min Toh, Margaret Fletcher, Rebecca Piekkari, Grazia D. Santangelo,

Malika Richards, Mary Yoko Brannen, Anna Lamin, Cordula Barzantny, Nakiye Boyacigiller.




WAIB Awards Presentation


Tuesday, June 26 - 10:15-10:45 (Session# 181903) Room: Exhibit Hall at the WAIB booth

Coffee Break

Refreshments will be provided for conference participants at the Exhibit Hall.

This coffee break is sponsored by E. Desmond Lee Professorship for Developing Women and Entrepreneurs in International Business, College of Business Administration, University of Missouri-St. Louis to honor the winners of all WAIB Awards. The award presentations will take place at the Exhibit Hall at the WAIB booth during the coffee break.

(open to all registered AIB conference participants)


WAIB Off-Site Reception
Space Limited. RSVP Required.  Open to all WAIB members.
You are invited to the 2018 WAIB off-site reception in the Clubhouse of Brit's Pub and Eating Establishment ( on Tuesday, June 26th from 7-9 pm. 
For details and to RSVP please go to:
This reception is sponsored by the E. Desmond Lee Professorship for Developing Women and Entrepreneurs in International Business, College of Business Administration, University of Missouri-St. Louis and the Department of Management, Mays Business School, Texas A&M University.
WAIB Executive Board  (2017-2019)
  • President: Malika Richards, Penn State University – Berks, USA  [log in to unmask]
  • Vice-President: Amanda Budde- Sung, University of Sydney, Australia   [log in to unmask]
  • Communications Officer: Lyn Amine, Saint Louis University Emerita, USA   [log in to unmask]
  • Events & Membership Officer: Saba Colakoglu, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA   [log in to unmask]
  • Secretary Treasurer: Suparna Chakraborty, USFCA, USA   [log in to unmask]
  • Academic Research Officer: Rosalina Torres- Ortega, Linnaeus University, Sweden   [log in to unmask]
  • Chapter - Liaison Officer (2018-2019):  Rosalina Torres- Ortega, Linnaeus University, Sweden
  • Chapter - Liaison Officer (2017):  Gabriele Suder, University of Melbourne, Australia [log in to unmask] 
  • Student at Large: Ana Maria Parente Laverde, Universidad EAFIT, Colombia  [log in to unmask]

Malika Richards, Ph.D.

President, Women in the Academy of International Business (WAIB)
Professor of Management
Pennsylvania State University - Berks
Reading, PA  19610

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