Employee Commitment: The Role of Organizational Socialization and Protean Career Orientation

 Hewawaduge Menaka NishanthiPavithra Kailasapathy

Abstract: The current study examines the impact of organizational socialization on employee commitment of executive employees in banking sector of Sri Lanka and the moderating role of protean career orientation. It is hypothesized based on affect theory of social exchange and social exchange theory that organizational socialization has a positive impact on employee’s affective, continuance and normative commitment forms. Further, it is suggested that these three direct relationships are moderated by the protean career orientation of the banking employees based on self-determination theory. These relationships are tested using data collected from a sample of 209 executive employees in the banking industry of Sri Lanka. Data were collected using questionnaire. Data were analysed using SPSS and AMOS. Results showed that there is a positive effect of organizational socialization on the three forms of commitment while no moderator effect of protean career orientation was identified on these direct relationships.


 Does Emotional Intelligence Predict Leadership Effectiveness? An Exploration in Non-Western Context

 Mushtaq A. LoneAashiq Hussian Lone

Abstract: The study focuses on understanding the emotional intelligence and leadership linkages in a non-Western context. The study was conducted on a sample of 230 supervisors and subordinates drawn from branches of the banking sector in the state of Jammu and Kashmir, India. The study employs three-dimensional emotional intelligence model developed by Singh and Chadha. Emotional competency and emotional sensitivity were found to be significant antecedents of leadership effectiveness in the context under reference. The knowledge gained from this research is expected to increase the understanding of effective leadership and help produce powerful tools for the selection, and training and development of leaders, potentially enhancing organizational climate and performance.


The Relationship of Workplace Flexibility to Employee Engagement among Information Technology Employees in India

 Jason Diwaker UgargolHarold Andrew Patrick

Abstract: Historically, organizations have been provisioning flexible work arrangement (FWA) options in the workplace to help employees achieve a balance between work obligations and private obligations. We explore the utilization of FWA offerings in the Indian information technology (IT) industry and its relation to employee engagement (EE). Employees working in IT organizations in Bengaluru, India, were approached and data were obtained from 504 participants. The study found that availability of FWA options coincided with their utilization. Disconcertingly, only 7 per cent of the employees were “highly engaged”, 51 per cent were neither engaged nor disengaged and 41 per cent of the employees were disengaged with their current organization. FWAs were positively related to EE. We find congruence that FWA options lead to better EE warranting further exploration that can guide FWA policies.



Promoting Organizational Citizenship Behaviour: The Roles of Leader–Member Exchange and Organizational Job Embeddedness

 Khyati KapilRenu Rastogi

Abstract: The study attempts to examine the role of leader–member exchange (LMX) on the organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB). The present study also explains the mediating role of organizational job embeddedness (OJE) on the relationship between LMX and OCB in a given sample. The study was conducted on a sample of 365 employees working in Indian banking industry. Survey research with a correlation statistical technique (correlation and hierarchical regression analyses) is utilized to measure the association of several variables. The results indicate that there is a significant relationship among the key study variables. The OJE was found to partially mediate the LMX–OCB relationship. The findings suggest that the organizations can proactively enhance both OJE and OCB through high quality of LMX. The study contributes to the existing literature of key study variables.



Employer Branding in B2B and B2C Companies in India: A Qualitative Perspective

 Mukesh K. BiswasDamodar Suar

Abstract: The employer branding (EB) phenomenon has garnered the attention of practitioners and academicians over the past decade. However, the subjective experiences of managers on EB are hardly tapped. This study explores company executives’ views on EB through the case study method with semi-structured interviews in the context of the business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) companies located in India. Four key categories relevant to EB emerged from the data. These are (a) essence of a successful EB, (b) precursors of EB, (c) visibility of the employer and (d) outcomes of EB. Attributes of these categories were explored along the sub-themes, which reveal the respondents’ perceptions regarding their implementation of EB strategy. These attributes were similar in B2B and B2C companies.


Repatriation of Academics: A Study on Sri Lankan University Lecturers

 Robinson James

Abstract: Although repatriation adjustment is a matter for all re-entry groups, it is not clear if it is an issue for returning academics. The article aims to investigate whether the repatriation adjustment is a matter for academic repatriates. The study was conducted with 63 Sri Lankan academic repatriates who had been attached to a foreign university or academic institution for more than 1 year, had been involved in academic activities and, at the survey date, had returned within the past 2 years. One sample t-test, independent sample t-test and regression analysis were employed to test the proposed hypotheses. The article provides empirical evidence to show that repatriation adjustment is a matter for academic repatriates too. Academics who return to their home university experience less fit to their organization compared to their fit with their home organization before they had left. The article highlights that universities need to take necessary steps to develop policies and procedures to capitalize the knowledge and international experience of returning academics. The findings extend the current scope of literature on repatriation adjustment by identifying a new group of repatriates who are experiencing repatriation adjustment issues.


 Book Review:

 Dan Roberts and Brian P. Watson, Confessions of a Successful CIO: How the Best CIOs Tackle their Business Challenges

 Viswa Prasad Gada

R.C. Tripathi and Rohit Dwivedi (Eds), Organisational Studies in India

 Sandip Anand


Dr. Mohan Thite
Associate Professor in HRM

Founding Editor-in-Chief, South Asian Journal of HRM 

(ABDC, ABS, Scopus ranked Sage publication)

Department of Employment Relations & Human Resources, Griffith Business School 

Griffith University
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Forthcoming: Thite, M. (Ed.) (in press). E-HRM: Digital Approaches, Directions & Applications. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. 

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