A new issue of Human Resource Management Review is available online at http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/10534822?sdc=1.  Check out this great special issue integrating Leadership and HRM edited by Hannes Leroy, Jesse Segers, Dirk van Dierendonck, & Deanne den Hartog!


     Please send your conceptual/theoretical work to HRMR!  We strive to be author friendly in terms of providing timely and constructive reviews and we welcome conceptual papers on emergent topics and topics that do not fit cleanly in traditional domains. Regards, -Howard



Cover image Human Resource Management Review

Human Resource Management Review

Conceptual Development for Future Research

Volume 28, Issue 3, September 2018 


Managing people in organizations: Integrating the Study of HRM and Leadership

Edited by Hannes Leroy, Jesse Segers, Dirk van Dierendonck, Deanne Den Hartog





Managing people in organizations: Integrating the study of HRM and leadership

by Hannes Leroy, Jesse Segers, Dirk van Dierendonck, & Deanne den Hartog



High performance work practice implementation and employee impressions of line manager leadership

By Zachary A. Russell, David S. Steffensen, B. Parker Ellen, Liwen Zhang, & Gerald R. Ferris


HR systems, attachment styles with leaders, and the creativity–innovation nexus

By  Matej Černe, Saša Batistič, & Renata Kenda


How leaders shape the impact of HR's diversity practices on employee inclusion

By Claudia Buengeler, Hannes Leroy, & Katleen De Stobbeleir


Using theory on authentic leadership to build a strong human resource management system

By Carol Gill, William Gardner, Johannes Claeys, & Kathleen Vangronsvelt


Invited Commentary

Leaders as HR sensegivers: Four HR implementation behaviors that create strong HR systems

By Lisa H. Nishii & Rebecca M. Paluch



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Howard J. Klein, Ph.D. 

Professor of Management and Human Resources 

Editor-in-Chief, Human Resource Management Review

2100 Neil Avenue, Columbus, OH  43210-1144 

Office: (614) 292-0719 / Fax: (614) 292-7062 

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