dear colleagues and friends
Please find below a message informing about the call for application of the second edition of the Urbino PhD programme in Global Studies.
Details on the programme can be found in the message below and at the link:
Deadline for applications: June 15th 2018.
Interviews of eligible candidates are scheduled on June 28th.
You are kindly asked to circulate this message and to invite qualified students to apply from your own institution and form other universities you are in touch with. We look forward to having a large number of high quality candidates.
Thanks for your kind attention
Antonello Zanfei
Second edition of the PhD Programme in Global Studies at Urbino University
At a time when European integration and disintegration, and challenges to globalisation dominate current policy concerns, the University of Urbino offers an interdisciplinary Ph.D. Programme in Global Studies, at a cross-roads of Economics, Business, Political Science, Sociology and Law.
The programme addresses two thematic areas in alternate years:
- in the 2018-2019 edition: Global Society, Cross-border Mobility and Law
- in the 2019-2020 edition: International Economic Policy, Business and Governance (Previous edition: 2017/18)
The upcoming 2018-2019 edition focuses on cross-border movements of capital, knowledge, labour and people, mainly from institutional, legal and sociological perspectives. A specific attention will be given to:
The Ph.D. Programme is developed over three years (from Fall 2018 until Fall 2021) and will be organised as follows:
• a first year of courses and exams in Urbino;
• a second year of international research and training, mainly spent in international institutions associated to the Programme;
• a third year of research activity for completing the Ph.D. thesis.
English will be the working language of the Ph.D. Programme.
Nine positions are offered in the 2018-2019 Ph.D. Programme, including seven positions with scholarships covering fees and an annual tax-free stipend at standard Italian rates (EUR 15,300 per year; the amount is increased by 50% for training periods outside Italy).
The Faculty of the Ph.D. Programme draws from the staff of the University of Urbino and from a number of outstanding international institutions.
Please visit our website to have more detailed information on this year’s edition of the Programme and Faculty, as well as an anticipation of the contents of next year’s edition (which will focus on economic and political aspects of globalisation).
June 15th 2018 (at 12:00 CEST): Applications due
June 28th 2018: Interview of selected candidates
Information on the Ph.D. Programme and Faculty is available at the website:
Contact: [log in to unmask]
Director of the Ph.D. Programme: Prof. Antonello Zanfei, DESP - University of Urbino