

With apologies for cross-posting

Dear all,

A  final reminder of the deadline for the submission of papers, symposium
and PDW proposals to the 3rd HR Division International Conference (HRIC)
2019 hosted by Dublin City University, 9-11th of January 2019. Deadline for
submissions is the *18th of May, 2018.*

The conference theme of *'Navigating the shifting landscapes of HRM'*
allows for exploration of the key challenges confronting HRM as framed by
factors such as resurgent nationalism and the (im)mobility of talent, the
future of work and employment, and the implications of the HR/technology
interface. We welcome submissions on a range of topics relevant to the
conference theme including:

   - The impact of populist politics on individual and organization
   decisions around mobility, the location of work
   - The changing nature of work and employment and its implications for
   individuals, organisations and societies
   - Careers and personal and professional identity in the context of the
   changing nature of work and employment
   - The role and impact of HRM in this changing context of work and
   - The impact of artificial intelligence on the nature of work and
   - The value of data and analytics in HRM including the shift to big-data
   - The role of institutional and cultural context on HRM
   - Contemporary debates on SHRM and performance
   - Evolving understandings of talent management
   - Assessments of the applicability of traditional HRM theory and

Note: This list is merely indicative of potential topics and we invite
scholars from around the world to share their ideas on all aspects of HRM
and its future development. See call for submissions

We are delighted to announce three expert keynote speakers who will help us
to advance the conversation.

We have also put together an exciting social programme which includes an
opening reception in the Dining Hall, Trinity College and a gala dinner at
one of Ireland's leading tourist attractions, the Guinness Storehouse.

For further details see:

Submissions can be made here:

We look forward to your submissions and to welcoming you to Dublin

Best wishes,

Brian Harney & David Collings

Conference Chairs

Professor David Collings
Full Professor of Human Resource Management
Associate Dean for Research
Co Editor-in-Chief, Journal of World Business
DCU Business School
Dublin City University
Dublin 9
Tel. +35317006937
Email. [log in to unmask]
Twitter: @collingsdg


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