

Dear AIB Colleagues,


I just authored a book titled “The Unglobals." 

It was recently conferred an International Book Award.

There are growing trends in protectionism, minimalism and even isolationism worldwide. Amid global conflicts and confusion, ‘The Unglobals’ offers personal and organizational strategies on managing globalization your own way.

This is a short yet insightful book that provides fresh ideas relating to globalization alternatives, alter-globalization, and economic nationalism. Featuring fictional yet plausible stories, it highlights the need to deal with globalization at a personal level.

Additional book information may be viewed in the link below :

The book could be a fun summer read. It could also serve as supplementary text for courses such as International Business, International Management and Global Strategy in undergraduate and graduate courses.


Kindly share this message with your institution’s library. It may interest several students and faculty.


If you'd like to use the book in a course or want to write a review, please let me know. I’d be happy to pass on your book copy request to the publisher.


Thanks and regards,


Dr. J. Mark Munoz

Professor, Management and International Business

Millikin University

Tel (217) 433-1425

Email : [log in to unmask]


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