Dear friends and colleagues,


The call for papers for the 13th Corporate Responsibility Research Conference (CRRC) has been extended to 25 May 2018. 


This year's conference will be held at the University of Leeds, Devonshire Hall, on the 11th-12th September. The conference is organised by the Sustainability Research Institute (SRI) and the Business and Organisations for Sustainable Societies (BOSS) Research Group in association with Kedge Business School. For more information, please visit


Theme: Engaging Business and Consumers for Sustainable Change


Sub-themes that specifically consider IB include:

Sub-theme 5: International CSR, Chair: Dr Ralf Barkemeyer, Kedge Business School

Sub-theme 8: Business and Global Development, Chair: Dr Anne Tallontire and Dr Jamie van Alstine, University of Leeds

Sub-theme 11: Circular Economy, Chair: Dr Mark Sumner and Dr Matt Davis, University of Leeds

Sub-theme 12: CSR and Crisis Management, Chair: Dr Breeda Comyns, Kedge Business School

Sub-theme 16: Modern Slavery in International Business, Chair: Dr Hinrich Voss and Prof Louise Waite, University of Leeds


In the industrialised societies, human activities are largely organised by business organisations. Ranging from transnational corporations to small and medium-sized social enterprises, businesses influence patterns of everyday life. In today’s market economies, consumers are assigned a central role in deciding which products and services are used and how, as well as in which quantities. Given the circumstances of economic actors holding power to shape societies, the engagement of business and consumers is vital for sustainable change to happen.


But how to get business and consumers truly engaged in addressing the grand challenges of the present ecological and sociocultural crisis? What are the roles of the state, the international community, and other public actors in this challenge? What about the potential and limitations of the civil society, including the non-governmental organisations and grassroots activist groups in engaging companies and consumers to change? And also, how much can be expected from businesses and consumers themselves both individually and collectively?


The conference is looking for theoretically informed and practically relevant papers on business and consumer involvement for sustainable change. It welcomes contributions from different disciplines and fields of study, including studies on corporate responsibility, corporate sustainability, sustainable consumption, sustainable development, business and society, business ethics, ethical consumption, sustainable entrepreneurship, and organisation and the environment.


CRRC is the ideal place to test new ideas and to experiment with new formats. Therefore, we also welcome suggestions for special workshop streams and innovative ideas. The tradition of CRRC is to focus on participants and the debate, as well as on social activity. We aim to create an environment that is welcoming and friendly, yet succeeds in challenging the existing knowledge base and assumptions, and hence drives the debate around corporate responsibility forward.


Hoping to see you in beautiful Yorkshire! Please distribute the call to your colleagues and relevant networks. Many thanks already in advance.


Kind regards



Kind regards,



Dr Hinrich Voss

Associate Professor of International Business


Centre for International Business


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