

Postdoctoral Position: Bald Eagle Population Modeling

Cornell University – Animal Health Diagnostic Center

We seek a postdoctoral candidate to conduct a meta-analysis of bald eagle population dynamics in the Northeast U.S. and Canada. The purpose is to determine if lead toxicosis functions as an additive source of mortality that suppresses optimal population growth and has slowed recovery. We have compiled an extensive database of mortality reports from several states and provinces already. The postdoc will add to this database by interacting with federal, state, and provincial agencies. We anticipate using a variety of survival modeling techniques, including state-structured matrix models, to estimate vital rates and mortality impacts. The postdoc will be expected to produce one or more peer-reviewed manuscripts, present findings at scientific conferences and to research partners, and seek additional funding for research. There will be opportunities to mentor students as well as gain laboratory skills if the fellow is interested.
Salary: $48,000 with full benefits and conference travel. Eighteen months of funding is provided by the Morris Animal Foundation.
Qualifications: The successful applicant will have recently obtained a PhD in wildlife biology, population ecology, or other related field with extensive quantitative skills and experience with population modeling techniques. Ideally, this person will have strong interpersonal and communication skills with a demonstrated publication record. The Cornell Wildlife Health Lab has a team including a wildlife-specific disease ecologist, veterinarian, pathologists, as well as support staff for GIS, communication, and online resources. You can learn more about the CWHL at<>. The position will be at the Animal Health Diagnostic Center, a state-of-the-art facility that is the largest diagnostic lab in Northeast. We anticipate that the fellow will have regular interactions with faculty in the Cornell Dept. of Natural Resources and Lab of Ornithology.
Application: Interested persons should submit a cover letter, CV, and contact information for three references by 15 May 2018 for full consideration.
Start date: 1 August 2018 (Flexible, but as soon as possible would be preferred.)
For more information contact: PI - Krysten Schuler ([log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>).<>