

Michigan State University

Science at the Edge

Engineering Seminar


April 6, 2018

11:30 a.m., Room 1400 Biomedical and Physical Sciences Building

Refreshments served at 11:15 a.m.


Sangbae Kim

Biomimetic Robotics Lab

Massachusetts Institute of Technology


MIT Cheetah Robot: A New Design Paradigm for Physical Interaction



Recent technological advances in legged robots are opening up a new era of
mobile robotics. In particular, legged robots have a great potential to help
disaster situations or elderly care services. Whereas manufacturing robots
are designed for maximum stiffness, allowing for accurate and rapid position
tracking without contact, mobile robots have a different set of
hardware/software design requirements including dynamic physical
interactions with environments. Events such as the Fukushima power plant
explosion highlight the need for robots that can traverse various terrains
and perform dynamic physical tasks in unpredictable environments, where
robots need to possess compliance that allows for impact mitigation as well
as high force capability. The talk will discuss the new mobile robot design
paradigm focusing on the actuator characteristics and the impulse planning
algorithms. As a successful embodiment of such paradigm, the talk will
introduce the constituent technologies of the MIT Cheetah. Currently, the
MIT cheetah is capable of running up to 13mph with an efficiency rivaling
animals and capable of jumping over an 18-inch-high obstacle autonomously.




Prof. Sangbae Kim is the director of the Biomimetic Robotics Laboratory and
an Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering at MIT. His research
focuses on the bio-inspired robot design by extracting principles from
animals. Kim's achievements on bio-inspired robot development include the
world's first directional adhesive inspired from gecko lizards, and a
climbing robot, Stickybot, that utilizes the directional adhesives to climb
smooth surfaces featured in TIME's best inventions in 2006. Recent
achievement includes the development of the MIT Cheetah capable of stable
outdoor running up to 13mph and autonomous jumping over obstacles at an
efficiency of animals. This achievement was covered by more than 300 media
articles. He is a recipient of best paper award from International
Conference on Robotics and Automation (2007), King-Sun Fu Memorial
Transactions on Robotics (2008) and IEEE/ASME transactions on mechatronics
(2016), DARPA Young Faculty Award (2013), NSF CAREER award (2014), and Ruth
and Joel Spira Award for Distinguished Teaching (2015).


For further information please contact Prof. Richard Lunt, Department of
Chemical Engineering and Materials Science at [log in to unmask]

Persons with disabilities have the right to request and receive reasonable
accommodation. Please call the Department of Chemical Engineering and
Materials Science at 355-5135 at least one day prior to the seminar;
requests received after this date will be met when possible.





Brad Tobin

Chemical Engineering & Materials Science Department

College of Engineering

Michigan State University

428 S Shaw Ln Rm 2100

Engineering Building

East Lansing, MI 48824

Phone: 517-884-7937

Fax: 517-432-1105