Dear Colleagues
I would like to inform you that the contents of IJEXPORTM Vol. 2 No. 1, 2018 for the publication of June, are included below:
Int. J. Export Marketing, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2018
Dafnis N. Coudounaris and Stanley Joseph Paliwoda
Influences of international orientation and export commitment on the export
performance of emerging market SMEs
Marcelo André Machado, Walter Meucci Nique and Viviane Bischoff
The coordination of export promotion networks for the creative industries
Beatriz Kury, Angela Da Rocha and Renato Cotta de Mello
Strategic application food safety management system (HACCP) for new export
markets for Cyprus small and medium enterprises during the economic crisis
Marianna Charalambous, Konstantinos Mitosis and Michael Talias
Recapturing images after a brand crisis through marketing communication in
social networks: The Maggi controversy
Rajesh K. Srivastava
I welcome papers for the September’s issue of IJEXPORTM. Please do not hesitate to contact me regarding
your paper that you are planning to prepare for this issue. A team of top reviewers are ready to go through
your paper and to provide comments for its improvement and its final publication to IJEXPORTM.
Best regards
Dr Dafnis N. Coudounaris (Fellow EMAB, Board of Governors of GIKA, Editorial Review Board of JBR)
Professor of Innovation Management (Associate)
School of Economics and Business Administration
University of Tartu
Tartu, Estonia
Mob: +37258339575 or +35796572295
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Editor in Chief of International Journal of Export Marketing
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