Dear Colleagues, We cordially invite you and your students to participate in our International Summer School program 'International Business: A Latin American Perspective' from July 16th to 28th. The two week program is taught at our main campus in Medellin (Colombia). Medellin was recently named by Forbes<> as one of the 10 coolest cities around the world to visit in 2018. So, don't miss the opportunity for a visit! The program includes class sessions, cultural activities, and company visits. Students that participate in the course assessment have the possibility to earn 3 credits. I. Business Context in Latin America II. Business Opportunities in Latin American Emerging Markets III. International Management: Focus on Latin America IV. Intercultural Communication and Cultural Industries - Context and Opportunities V. International Entrepreneurship: Focus on Latin America More information: We hope to see you in Medellin this summer! Sascha [] Sascha Fuerst (PhD) Associate Professor Department of International Business School of Business Building 3 - Office 317 Phone (57 4) 261 9500, ext. 9482 [log in to unmask] ________________________________ Carrera 49 N° 7 sur - 50, Medellín - Colombia Línea de atención al usuario: (57 4) 4489500<> · Inspira Crea Transforma · Universidad EAFIT - Vigilada Mineducación Acreditada Institucionalmente hasta 2026. Resolución 2158 de 2018. ____ AIB-L is brought to you by the Academy of International Business. For information: To post message: [log in to unmask] For assistance: [log in to unmask] AIB-L is a moderated list.