[We are so sorry for cross-posting, but we use various open accessible databases of various organizations and You might be a member of different organizations we send our Call for Papers (CfP) to]
Dear AIB Members (AIB-List Participants)!
This is just a gentle reminder that we are still waiting for your registration for the 5th AIB-CEE Chapter Annual Conference.
AIB-CEE Chapter is a part of the worldwide network of the Academy of International Business (AIB) located in Central and Easter Europe (CEE) but cooperating with researchers and scholars globally.
The Honorary Advisory Board of the 5th AIB-CEE Conference is as follows: http://aibcee2018.uek.krakow.pl/?page_id=46
Again we would like to sincerely invite you to our international conference on „International Entrepreneurship as the bridge between international economics and international business”, which will take place in Krakow (Poland) on September 12-14, 2018. Our discussions in the academic panels will concentrate around numerous broadly defined conference tracks. We hope that everybody will find an appropriate topic that will suit his/her interests and/or needs: http://aibcee2018.uek.krakow.pl/?page_id=38
The conference will be held at Cracow University of Economics in Krakow, Poland. The historic centre of Kraków is included on the UNESCO World Heritage List (http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/29). Krakow is one of Top 5 destinations in Europe according to American tourist magazines.
The registration for the conference is also open at: http://aibcee2018.uek.krakow.pl/?page_id=42 (deadline for registration: 30 April 2018)
The submission system (for papers) is now open at: http://meetings.aib.msu.edu/cee/2018/ (deadline for papers submission: 15 June 2018 which is non-extendable)
Publication possibilities are quite good (3 journals with impact factor, 6 journals in SCOPUS, 21 good regional journals – for details http://aibcee2018.uek.krakow.pl/?page_id=40).
Additionally, we will also publish monographs with such internationally recognized publishers as Palgrave Macmillan and Springer.
By the way, this year we will try to focus also on a rich integrating program (social events), as researchers from the region declared last year they need to do more networking in the informal environment, so you may pay your attention also to social events (karaoke, bowling, clubbing) and additional (optional) tourist programme (for details http://aibcee2018.uek.krakow.pl/?page_id=850).
We would be delighted, if you join the conference and we would be able to welcome you in Krakow in September 2018.
If you are able to distribute our ‘call for papers’ among the faculty staff of your university and among your colleagues, co-workers and associates, we would appreciate it greatly.
Thank you for your efforts!
In a nutshell , our conference offers you great historical background of the city of Krakow (city rights since 1257), amazing modern atmosphere, good publications possibilities and fantastic network possibilities with scholars not only from the region, e.i. from Central and Eastern Europe, but also other corners of the globe (we will also have participants from Australia, New Zealand, the USA, and of course from Western Europe) and good opportunities to meet “face to face” editors of good journals within the special meeting “Meet the Editors” Session. So please do not miss the opportunity to attend our conference.
See you in Krakow!
Best regards,
Krzysztof Wach (conference chair)
Marek Maciejewski (conference secretary)
Łukasz Pu¶lecki (chair of the AIB-CEE Chapter)
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5th AIB-CEE Chapter Annual Conference 2018
Organizing Committee
Krzysztof Wach (+48 12 293 5376) – conference chair
Marek Maciejewski (+48 12 293 5194) – scientific secretary
Agnieszka Głodowska (+48 12 293 5307)
Agnieszka Hajdukiewicz (+48 12 293 5307)
Bożena Pera (+48 12 293 5306)
Anna Marcinek-Markowska (+48 12 293 5381) – secretariat
Adam Michalik (+48 12 293 5344)
Krystian Bigos (+48 12 293 5312)
Marcin D±bkiewicz (+48 12 293 5504)
Department of International Trade
Cracow University of Economics
ul. Rakowicka 27, 31-510 Krakow, Poland
tel. +48 12 293 5381, fax +48 12 293 5037