

Please distribute the attached Call for Papers to the AIB community.  Apologies for cross-posting.




The era of new industrial revolution and its impact on international business: Implications for Euro-Asia business relations


Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, South Korea

7-10 November, 2018


Surrounded by technologies that are effacing techno-human boundaries such as artificial intelligence (AI), big data, robotics, virtual/augmented reality (AR/VR), drones, 3D printing, the Internet of Things (IoT), and autonomous vehicles; we are witnessing an unprecedented surge of technical, industrial, and social innovations. This surge is neatly named in some countries as the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) or Industry 4.0. With threats to human identity, social stability, and economic security, these 4IR technologies and various changes induced by them cast doubt on the adaptive capacity of individuals and institutions and challenge the current business models. When machines replace not only repetitive labor but advanced intellectual work, what is left for humans? Nevertheless, the new technologies may present possibilities for many firms and industries with unprecedented new business opportunities. The question becomes: How can European and Asian entrepreneurs, companies, and scholars take advantage of and prepare for this new era?

This year’s conference invites academic communities to rethink the roles of firms, industries, and universities in the era of the 4IR within the context of Euro-Asia business relations. We welcome papers addressing—but not limited to— the following topics:


·      Current technological advancements in Europe and Asia and how firms in each region adopt them to capture business opportunities and to cope with challenges,

·      Policies and programs for 4IR technology development and management and the reactions of businesses

·      Modes of solutions or alternative approaches to innovation in the face of blurring techno-human interfaces (such as design thinking)

·      The impacts of the new technologies on functional level management practices in Europe and Asia such as manufacturing, supply chain, HRM etc.

·      The impacts of 4IR on current economic and business relationships between Europe and Asia with particular reference to trade and investment flows

·      Practices and measurement of 4IR-driven entrepreneurship

·      How this dramatic industrial transition may affect the future Euro-Asian business relations

·      Theoretical perspectives: how 4IR challenges affect existing theories in international and comparative business,

·      Spatial perspectives: Regional growth models and cross-regional cooperative relations in Europe and Asia attempting to capture the potential of 4IR and the future of job and the industrial structure in developing countries.

There are three tracks for individual paper submissions. Please select the most appropriate type of session format from the following:
·      Competitive Papers: The most polished and complete papers should be submitted for inclusion in competitive sessions (max. 8,000 words inclusive of all materials, including appendices and references).
·      Workshop/Interactive Papers: Papers in progress should be submitted for workshop sessions (max. 6,000 words inclusive of all materials, including appendices and references).
·      PhD Track: PhD candidates and other young scholars are invited to present their work, at various stages of progress (from the proposal stage to post-fieldwork analysis, but max. 6,000 words in length).

For all submissions the evaluation will be based on analytical rigor, methods applied, originality, and significance of conclusions.
Full papers—not just abstracts—for all three tracks (competitive, workshop/interactive, and PhD) are due by 21 July 2018 Friday. This deadline will not be extended.
Address any questions regarding this call for papers to the organizers directly by e-mail at [log in to unmask]
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