Please distribute the attached Call for Papers to the AIB community.  Apologies for cross-posting.

Call for Papers/Abstracts

Institute of International Business & Governance (IIBG)

Annual Academia-Industry Exchange 2018


Conference on Ethics, Responsible Business & Sustainable Development: 
Challenges and Opportunities for Transformation and Growth


7-8 December 2018, Hong Kong SAR


The Institute of International Business & Governance (IIBG) of The Open University of Hong Kong welcomes you to the Annual Academia-Industry Exchange 2018, to be held on 7th - 8th December, 2018 in Hong Kong. This 3rd conference of the Institute will be an interdisciplinary forum that involves international academia, scholars, researchers, industry practitioners and policy makers to exchange knowledge, ideas and experiences on business ethics and sustainable development, and to explore opportunities for future collaboration. We invite competitive papers and posters which respond to the theme of the conference. Conceptual, theoretical, and empirical papers, using qualitative and/or quantitative methodologies are welcome.





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