Dear Sir/Madam,
We are from Association of International Business & Professional Management, is inviting you to participate in "2018 International Conference of Project Management" Call for Paper. The papers will get the fast track publication in Google Scholar, Copernicus, PKP index, One search and CrossRef indexed journals. The selected papers havepotency to be published in Scopus indexed journal . The papers will be presented at the conference which will be held on 2-4 June 2018 in Hotel Sahid Montana, Malang City. Please take note of the datelines for abstract submission that can be found on our website. Hurry up to register your seat in ICPM 2018 before 20 April 2018 (Early bird registration). Abstract deadline 30 April 2018 and Full paper 30 May 2018
Best Regards
Dana Yurida
Secretary of AIBPM
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