College STEM faculty and future faculty are invited to apply to attend a 2018 Summer Institute on Scientific Teaching.


The Summer Institutes on Scientific Teaching are intensive, multi-day workshops during which STEM faculty and future faculty learn strategies for enhancing student learning through the principles of scientific teaching. Participants engage in interactive sessions, work in small groups with trained facilitators, and present instructional materials for feedback and review. Participants will observe, evaluate, and collect a portfolio of innovative teaching approaches, instructional materials, and practical strategies that can be adapted to their own teaching environments. Alumni view the experience as a great success and overwhelmingly report that it has a lasting impact on their teaching.


The 2018 Regional Summer Institutes on Scientific Teaching will be held:  


June 18-22 - California at the University of California, San Diego

Application Deadline March 30


July 9-13 - Northwest at The Evergreen State College

Application Deadline June 9


July 16-20 - Gulf Coast at Louisiana State University

Application Deadline June 10


July 22-26 - Northeast at the University of Connecticut

Application Deadline May 1


We welcome applicants from any institution or geographic area to apply to any of these four regional sites. If you or someone you know is interested in developing and disseminating effective and empirically-validated ways of teaching STEM subjects, please consider applying to attend a Summer Institute on Scientific Teaching or forwarding this message to a colleague.

For more information, please download our informational webinar or visit