Call for Chapters
Programs, Policies, & Practices around High-Growth Women’s Entrepreneurship
Expressions of Interest due by April 15, 2018
Emailed to
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Edited by:
Amanda Bullough, University of Delaware,
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Diana Hechavarria, University of South Florida,
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Candida Brush-Babson College,
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Linda Edelman- Bentley University,
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Chapter contributions are now invited from scholars studying women’s entrepreneurship for an exciting new book,
Programs, Policies, & Practices around High-Growth Women’s Entrepreneurship,
to be published by Edward Elgar Publishing Inc. in 2019.
The Diana International Project[1]
is committed to advancing knowledge about the status of women’s entrepreneurship around the world. This is the ninth book associated with the Diana International Project and will build on the success of the first book - Brush, C., Carter, N.M., Gatewood, E.J.,
Greene, P.G. and Hart, M. (eds.) (2006) Growth-oriented Women Entrepreneurs and their Businesses: A Global Research Perspective.
This new volume will further consider the various national and international, social and contextual influences on women’s entrepreneurship by examining how programs, polices, and practices affect and influence growth strategies and business potential of
high-growth women’s entrepreneurship .
The objective of this book is to foster a provocative discussion about topics on women’s entrepreneurship focusing on how public policy frameworks,
along with programs and practices can foster or stymie the high-growth potential of women entrepreneurs. While it is anticipated that many of the contributors will already be part of the Diana International Project, we are aiming for an
inclusive discussion on women’s entrepreneurship. Thus, chapters
are particularly sought from researchers in geographic regions less represented in previous volumes, specifically Africa, Asia and South America.
Chapter submissions should be based on
rigorous empirical or theoretical research, and should discuss and analyse one of the following as related to high growth women’s entrepreneurship:
Studies of policies and programs for financing
Comparisons of programs across country, regional or local communities
A qualitative case study or deep analysis of a single program
An examination of influences of different types of programs (e.g. mentoring, education, training, technology)
An analysis of best practices for supporting high growth women’s entrepreneurship
The overall aim of the book is to highlight key policies, practices and programs, as these influence high-growth women’s entrepreneurship,
and to offer valuable insights into high growth women’s entrepreneurship globally.
It is intended that draft chapter submissions will be presented and discussed at the forthcoming Diana International Research Symposium to
be held at the Kauffman Foundation in October, 2017. However, papers not presented at this Conference are welcome submissions. Thus, the tentative timetable for the compilation and completion of the book is as follows:
October 2017 |
Diana Conference, Kansas City, Missouri, USA |
April 15, 2018 |
Expressions of interest/abstracts from participating authors |
June 1, 2018 |
Formal invitation/submission guidelines sent to selected authors |
Aug 1, 2018 |
Submission of draft chapters & initial review process |
Oct 1, 2018 |
Completion of feedback to authors |
Dec 1, 2018
Submission of revised chapters from authors (including necessary permissions for diagrams, etc) |
Dec 2018-Feb 2019 |
Ongoing editing of chapters by editorial team |
March 15, 2019 |
Completion of Preliminary Book Information, Introduction & Conclusions |
April 15, 2019 |
Submission of final manuscript to Edward Elgar |
If you are interested in submitting a chapter, please express your interest by putting together a chapter abstract, following the guidelines below, and forwarding
it to
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April 15, 2018.
For an informal discussion on your submission, please contact any of the editors.
Submission Guidelines:
Dr. Amanda Bullough
Assistant Professor, Management | Co-Director, Women’s Leadership Initiative
Alfred Lerner College of Business & Economics
University of Delaware
311 Lerner Hall | Newark, DE 19716
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| T 302-831-1778 | F 302-831-4196
| LinkedIn |
Google Scholar
Recent Activities:
Women’s Leadership Initiative Lerner
| Women’s Leadership Forum
in Business student club
Select Research:
Journal of Management
| Academy of Management Perspectives
Academy of Management Perspectives
| Academy of Management Discoveries
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The Diana Project was launched in 1999 by Professors Brush, Carter, Gatewood, Greene and Hart to study the phenomenon of women’s entrepreneurship in the United States. The Diana Project team, in partnership with ESBRI (Entrepreneurship and Small Business
Research Institute, Sweden), inaugurated the Diana International Project (DIP) in 2003. DIP currently involves researchers from 16 countries worldwide and aims to provide a platform from which to develop, conduct and share a global research agenda dedicated
to answering questions about women entrepreneurs and growth oriented businesses.